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On hovering - Dan H.

ScottMP Member Posts: 5,883
But I have at times "hovered" myself. When the call of nature cannot be scheduled and a urinal won't do, I hover.

Hey just cause I am a plumber dos'nt make me a pig.

Scott " I'd rather be at home " Milne

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  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,577
    For you consideration

    My September PM column:
    Retired and loving it.
  • uhhh.....

    no comment
  • Every sailor learns to hover....

    having served in the U. S. Navy for nine years on ywo different destroyers. Destroyers tend to rock and roll a lot. If you did not hover you would surely get your but wet when the ship rolled. So you learned to hold on and hover and rock and roll. As for urinals on ships you had to spread and lean, to this day my wife laughs at me at home as I lean over the toilet to pee and hold on to the wall. How did we ever get on this subject anyhow???? Holohan you will write about anything won't you???
  • ships

    I remember using the head at sea when it was rough. On the ship I was on, we didn't roll much, but we would rise up and drop with the seas pretty hard. You wanted to rise up and freefloat above the hopper with the waves and drop with them, because if you held down tight, the water below still rose up and freefloated all over the place. The head was up front, under the anchors. Lot's of action there!...Noel
  • keith
    keith Member Posts: 224
    Be it

    ever so humble there is NO place like home. My children learned the fine art of hovering before they learned the alphabet. What is even funnier is that my son looks at me as he is walking back from a public restroom and mouths the words " I didn't touch anything" before I have a chance to ask.
  • Dave Yates (PAH)
    Dave Yates (PAH) Member Posts: 2,162
    Many women

    have learned the knack of standing and doing this business in a very similar fashion to men. Takes practice to get it just right, but it works! I've read the rather graphic decriptions, with drawings included, and don't doubt the information is 100% accurate.

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  • Aidan (UK)
    Aidan (UK) Member Posts: 290
    I was expecting something about helcopters.

    The story goes that when God had finished creating the universe, he found he had two extra things left over in his bag so he decided to split them between Adam and Eve.
    He told them that one of the things he had left was a thing
    that would allow the owner to pee while standing up. "It's a
    very handy thing," God told them, "and I was wondering if either one of you would like that."
    Adam jumped up and down and begged "Oh, give that to
    me! I'd love to be able to do that. It seems just the sort of thing a man should be able to do. Please. Please! Pleeease! Give it to me." On and on he went like an excited little boy.
    Eve smiled sweetly and told God that if Adam really wanted it so badly, then he should have it. So God gave Adam the thing that allowed him to pee while standing up and he was so excited.
    He whizzed on a tree and then went off to write
    his name in the sand, laughing with delight all the while.
    God and Eve watched him for a moment and then God said to
    Eve, "Well, here's the other thing and I guess you can have it."
    "What's it called?" Eve asked.
    "Multiple orgasms" God said.

  • John@Reliable
    John@Reliable Member Posts: 379
    My day is complete!

    Dan, I always try to learn something new everyday, I can go to sleep happy & smarter tonight. Thank you so much!
  • Paul Pollets_2
    Paul Pollets_2 Member Posts: 63
    I'd like to report...

    that both Susie and my daughter Ren both "hover". Very funny story.

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  • Duncan
    Duncan Member Posts: 43
    Consider THIS

    It seems women in Sweden need to get a life.

    Or at least find something more important to concern themselves with. That is micro-MANagement carried to a hideous extreme!

    Humiliating. Yeah... that's what it is. Envy.
  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,883

    Men have two of those. One large and one small.

    We tend to use the small one far to often.

    By the way Adian good joke, it goes into the bag with some of my other favorites.

    Longest Brain Milne

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  • Mike Kraft
    Mike Kraft Member Posts: 406
    Guess that makes my girls.................

    Hover Krafts :)

  • Aidan (UK)
    Aidan (UK) Member Posts: 290

    It wasn't the brain. Obviously, Eve had already got that.

    We can negotiate about sitting down. If the girls want us to sit down, we should demand something from them in return. And it's not their brains I've got in mind here.

    I hate it when you find there's no hot water in a restaurant or pub. I always wonder what the catering staff used to wash their hands. It puts me off the food.
  • Mark Eatherton1
    Mark Eatherton1 Member Posts: 2,542
    The ultimate Hover craft...

    Sorry, I just couldn't resist.

    Thank goodness for Google...

    Check out this link while you're at it.



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  • Mark Eatherton1
    Mark Eatherton1 Member Posts: 2,542
    Anti hover craft...

    We aim to please. You aim too please...

    What won't they think of next...


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  • UHhmmmm.......

    Being a plumber....go a head, jeer,cuss ,swear, throw empty beer bottels, I dont care, I'm a plumber and PROUD of it! So.... being a plumber, I can attest to the fact that women are pigs.... thats right, right down to a tee.Women are, compaired to men, filthy pigs.

    The evidence that has brought me to this conclusion has been collected, personaly by me, over many years, spending many hours in womens rest rooms.

    It is a fact that no matter where you go, what level of society you are at, the womens room will ALWAYS be in worse condition than the mens room. You can bank on it.

    The local pub, the city high school, the factory, the bank, the mall. Visit side by side mens / womens rooms and you will always find the mens is in somewhat better sanitary condition.

    At a near by university, the writing on the walls was far more bizaar, crude and perverted in the girls restrooms then the boys. The same at the local YMCA.

    At the city high school, the women janitors REFUSE to clean the girls rooms, they do the boys, the men do the girls. I walked in to one to check the heat and found well.... feminine products, USED feminine products, hanging on each flush valve and a series of the other style, stuck to the wall, spelling out a brief two-word sentance. The boys room, right next door, had absolutly no out of the ordinary decorations.

    A mens room will normaly have a puddle of urine at the urinals, an unflushed water closet or two, and a dabbling of toilet paper and paper towels around. The matching womens room will be much much worse.

    I sure do wish i could "hover" while replacing a broken closet flange in the "ladies" room. In fact there is another piece of evidace, I have changed far more broken closet flanges in womens rooms then men. Kinda strange.... If they all hover ..... what makes the cast iron break????


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