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Plumbing? Mike Kraft

Mike Kraft
Mike Kraft Member Posts: 406
Yesterday I was setting a jetted tub in a new construction home.The tub is a 5' "Jacuzzi" brand.I set the tub in a bed of structolite,leveled it and fastened it.Then trapped it and connected the valve.I filled it and plugged in the pump.I let the tub run for @ least 15 minutes.I found a leak.One of the main jet manifold fittings was leaking from a lateral branch adapter.

I had a similar experience this past winter with a Kohler tub.All of these tubs were boxed and packed tightly.The warranty rep told me on the phone that I was wrong in my install.He said I should be filling these tubs and running them in perhaps a garage.I was a bit speechless......but after these 2 MANs tubs leaked I'm starting to agree.But then doesnt this happen in the factory.......yes I know the shipping part.

What tubs do you use?Its bad enough fixing my own leaks :)........but dealing with this stresses my "schedule" not to mention me out!



  • always had luck

    > Yesterday I was setting a jetted tub in a new

    > construction home.The tub is a 5' "Jacuzzi"

    > brand.I set the tub in a bed of

    > structolite,leveled it and fastened it.Then

    > trapped it and connected the valve.I filled it

    > and plugged in the pump.I let the tub run for @

    > least 15 minutes.I found a leak.One of the main

    > jet manifold fittings was leaking from a lateral

    > branch adapter.


    > I had a similar experience

    > this past winter with a Kohler tub.All of these

    > tubs were boxed and packed tightly.The warranty

    > rep told me on the phone that I was wrong in my

    > install.He said I should be filling these tubs

    > and running them in perhaps a garage.I was a bit

    > speechless......but after these 2 MANs tubs

    > leaked I'm starting to agree.But then doesnt this

    > happen in the factory.......yes I know the

    > shipping part.


    > What tubs do you use?Its bad

    > enough fixing my own leaks :)........but dealing

    > with this stresses my "schedule" not to mention

    > me out!


    > cheese

  • always had luck

    with auqa-glas by masco, i understand that some folks did not. the thing with product is always the ford/chevy debaate ,good points bad points, and this was many many moons ago. the price was not any better ,but i always felt it was a better built unit, always chack unit for discolor and chips and cracks. sorta got to build this time into each job then smile whem you find the crappy one
  • Kevin Coppinger
    Kevin Coppinger Member Posts: 29
    jetted tubs

    i usually use Aker products for all of my fibreglass.I have not had a problem. On my higher priced houses They like me to use Ultra baths. They run on AIR. No leaks there!They actually even are more clean to run since they blow all the excess water out of the jets when its done.KPC
  • John Felciano
    John Felciano Member Posts: 411

    do we have to do their job?I agree with you if it were tested at the factory and shipped crated their should be very little chance it's going to leak.If the box is in prestine condition how the heck would the tub be damaged in shipping?

    We have a huge problem testing these tubs with water on the rough-in.Every house we do is on a well system,so we have no water available to us at the time of installation.We would have to truck water in just to test the tub,so most go untested untill the well goes in.(I know the manufacturer requires them tested).So far we've been very lucky and not had a leaker but you post has me very concerned.

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  • Mad Dog
    Mad Dog Member Posts: 2,595
    This is the reason why I never

    provide the fixtures or faucets anymore...too many headaches with the damage...it really kills ya. They have to get it to the site and pay for it. then we will do a very thorough inspection....3 out of 5 times we find a little something .......Mad Dog

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  • Dana
    Dana Member Posts: 126

    We build the cost for defective material into our quote. On almost every job there will be some kind of fixture problem, ie, missing parts, chips, wrong colors, etc. We build it in whether we supply the fixtures or not. We keep it small, say for the average 3-5 bath house, 1 day at just above our costs, and just deal with it. If its something big, like a whirlpool leak, we can usually get our supplier to help out by giving us some faucets or something, eliminating the manufacturer, who probably won't do anything to help out.
  • Dave Yates (PAH)
    Dave Yates (PAH) Member Posts: 2,162
    Oh sure

    and we always assemble and tesy fire all boilers, water closets, sinks, water heaters and any other product we install outside the customers home prior to installation - NOT.

    Bill em for your time.

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  • heatboy
    heatboy Member Posts: 1,468
    The only way.........

    to eliminate the phrase "This has never happened to anyone else." is to stop specifying or purchasing their equipment. How many of us have been disrespected with that line? The Internet is the most powerful tool we have to even the playing field. No longer do we have to tolerate being treated like mushrooms and now have the power to hold manufacturers accountable. Their profitability lies with us. Maybe we should start to remind them of that fact.

    Warm Regards,


    "Expert in Silent Warmth"


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  • Mike Kraft
    Mike Kraft Member Posts: 406
    Stop buying their stuff.....eh

    I've threatened and done just that.The funny thing is the MAN just dont care.They dont even flinch.Its almost as if they invite that.

    And DY you say bill em.......the warranty "service" agent told me if they come and cannot access the jet they would leave and I would be billed.Now mind you I told him I would meet him @ the sight to make sure that it could be accessed.

    And Mad Doggie.........I hear you bro,Most times I am not suppling.Handling the fixture material no matter how much more $$ you tack on just doesnt seem to cover the troubles.

    Thanks to the others for your help.And Felcie I feel your concern.Time to bring the drums with the water eh?No matter how much we charge its never enough to CYA!!


  • Dave Yates (PAH)
    Dave Yates (PAH) Member Posts: 2,162
    Warranty agent?

    That's cute.

    Let em come, but tell them you're not paying for warranty service - period.

    Better yet, give the homeowner the company presidents name and contact information. It's amazing how well they respond to consumer, rather than contractor, complaints.


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  • heatboy
    heatboy Member Posts: 1,468
    Yes, Cheese.

    It's that easy. If a manufacturer sells a defective product and won't make good on it, it will be the last one I use. They have lost a customer and when some one asks me why I don't offer this or that, I tell them the reasons why. That's two customers they lost. Quality companies stand behind their products. Even Viessmann has recalls on occasion, but they don't say "You are the only that happened to". They send out the new part and a labor reimbursment form. No questions asked. You have a check in less than 2 weeks. It's all a matter of respect. Mine for them and their respect for me. There are more than a couple of manufacturers that will not get any more of my clients money.

    "Principals mean nothing until they cost you something"


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  • Jacuzzi Sold Out

    We sell hot tubs. Jacuzzi sold a couple of years ago. New owners kept the name, but nothing else, and all the quality went with it. I wouldn't buy anything that had the Jacuzzi name on it now. I hear that the Jacuzzi family was so disapointed that they started a new company called Jacuzzi Brothers. Same quality that they were known for. But haven't actually seen any products yet.
  • leo g_7
    leo g_7 Member Posts: 1

    we be lucky, in that we have five!, yes five!!! local fibre/acrylic manufactures within a 200 mile radius. one owned by kohler, another by maxx, the others are independents, so if we have a problem with any of the brands, they usually come-a-running.

    competition is good!!!

    leo g
  • eric_2
    eric_2 Member Posts: 148

    Usually when we have a Jacuzzi problem, we get great support from the vendor. They have "certified" repair companies for such problems. Usually takes the contractor right out of the loop. I'm kind of surprised your supplier doesn't offer this service to you unless it's not available to him either. It saves me a ton of headaches.
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