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funny story

NFL Member Posts: 1
several years ago went on a service call up in Glen Cove. Customer paid by check and it bounced. I reached customer several times and he assured me that check was in the mail.After about four weeks I realized customer was full of crap. On a freezing cold day loaded up two jerry cans full of water into my van. Went to his house, banged at the door. I could hear people moving about but no one opened the door. I took the water filled jerry cans out to the tank fill and just when I was going to pour them in the front door opened. The customer yelled out my name and asked me what I was doing. I advised him that I was putting back the sludgy oil I removed when I serviced his unit. He was shocked and told me to come inside for payment. I went inside and he proceeded to pay me.


  • Frank_5
    Frank_5 Member Posts: 49
    Not only customers don't pay...............

    My daughter was doing an internship for a small Mom/Pop ad agency. They promised to pay her a small amount each week for her services. After a couple of checks bounced, she asked for a cash payment. Excuse after excuse, but never any $$$. That's when I steped in. I identified myself and asked what the reason was why there was no $$$ for my daughter. I convinced them to make good after I offered to sell them insurance. "What are you talking about? What kind of insurance?" I was asked. I told them I was selling insurance as a side line. Insurance against plate glass breakage, fire ins. "You can never have enough insurance." I told them. Next day my kid got a call to go there and p/u cash. All for daddys little girl.
  • Jeff Lawrence_24
    Jeff Lawrence_24 Member Posts: 593
    Bad check

    A little over a year ago, I installed a new tstat for a 'gent' that was dying of the heat. Nice guy and all that. Paid me on the spot with a check. A bad check. Went through all the hoops, calling him at work and home, finally ended up sending him a registered letter asking for payment, advising him I was handing the matter over to the county if he didn't pay up. No reply. Jumped through the hoops and let the county handle it.

    Last week, I recieved a call from the State Court of that county. It seems he was stopped for something and the officer arrested him on a bad check warrant. My check is on the way here. It would have been cheaper for him to make good on the check instead of now having a criminal record.

    Funny thing is, he's a CPA, working for a company in the area.
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