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cooler flow

I would like to know how to obtain the cooler flow readings on a water chiller .I know it must be expressed in Feet of head but how do you obtain that?This is apparently a critical checkout during startup!THANKS FOR ANY HELP!!!!!!


  • don_9
    don_9 Member Posts: 395

    sure what it is you are asking but the only diffenece between the chiller and a boiler is you have a 10 td
    vs a 20 degree,water come out the chiller barrel at 45 to
    42 and come back 10 degree warmer,flow rate thru your chiller barrel=2.4 gpm/per ton/on condenser side 3 gpm per ton,need more info service wiz Then I might be able to help out a little more.don
  • Tony Conner
    Tony Conner Member Posts: 549
    You Need...

    ... pressure gauges on the inlet & outlet of the condenser and evaporator. Determine the pressure drop across each one, and the manufacturer will have tables that will show the flow based on this drop. If the tables are in feet of head, multipy the pressure drop by 2.31.

    Boilers and chillers are basically just heat exchangers. It amazes me how many (big institutional and industrial ones, too) are installed without just a few simple field instruments. A handful of pressure gauges and thermometers combined with some simple calculations can tell you so much.
  • don_9
    don_9 Member Posts: 395
    Thanks tony

    for cleaning up,I always thought flow meter or pressure guages was a given.Well there is always the five gallon bucket and watch.Do they not still offer the witness test anymore? don
  • Tony Conner
    Tony Conner Member Posts: 549
    A Lot...

    ... of places won't pay for the start-up service, or thermometers, or pressure gauges. The owner's are "saving money". I see this all of the time with HXs. The owners have no info on flows, and only some estimated temps. Pumps that have been moved around several times over 10 years, and were bought used anyway. The nameplates are long gone. I wind up backing max flows off pipe sizes, and estimating temps. Will they even install a pressure gauge across the new HX so we can get some accurate flow info, or be able to tell if it's fouling? Nope. "Not in the budget." I used to think that this was just unbelievable. Now I accept it as something that's pretty common.
  • don_9
    don_9 Member Posts: 395
    I forget

    we are in the era of"Do more for less"Lets cut cost but
    still maintain performance.Its this balance act,I find so
    hard to do.I don't know about you,but there are times for me that I loose my manners in tell them where to stick it.
    Sorry Tony if I change the subject,but i feel your pain!
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