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Which choice??

Bob Member Posts: 1
I have a 2 pipe system with dry returns. The mains have traps to prevent steam from going into the returns. The height of the traps is over about five feet.

This is a low volume/low pressure repalcement boiler installed in a basement pit. The system seemed to work without a problem (to my knowledge) for a few years. The I noticed water coming out of the air vent at the trapped cross over connection between the end of the main and the return line.

The boiler does call for a small amount of make up and does not flood. I had trouble with slow heating at one radiator on the second floor. When I cracked the exit trap there was water in the radiator. I had that trap replaced and now the heat is still slow, but much better.

I have been offered two solutions by people I consider thoughtful about their work, and they both use your "steam" book as a reference. My queastion is: How do I choose between the two options?

Option1: Replace the main steam header (it is the same size as the risers coming from the boiler) with a larger diameter pipe. Also, it is a two riser system with main take off in btwen the two risers on the header.

Option 2: Install a condensate tank and pump to the system.


  • Rebuild the header

    Build it so that the supply tapping comes off like it shows in the instruction manual. At the risk of repeating the story about the tanks, I'll repost it. It is the one with fifty something replies. I reccomend using the instruction manual that came with the boiler.

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