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non-heat question--Chuck Shaw

is the link to the discussion i was looking for!!

check this link, may give you some ideas!!


have a nice read chuck.


  • chuck shaw
    chuck shaw Member Posts: 584
    non-heat question--Chuck Shaw

    Can anyone tell me how to get rid of woodchucks (i know most of the jokes). I cant shoot them, because of the residental neighborhood, I have tried bombs, I have tried traps, and I have tried flooding them out. I have also sprinkled dried blood in the garden, and also fox urine (tough to get them to pee into jars). Those work, until I water or we get rain. I am looking for a permanant solution. Short of complete deforestation.


    Chuck Shaw

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  • Mike Kraft
    Mike Kraft Member Posts: 406
    How much wood could..............

    chuck shaw chuck :).............try cut and paste with this link chuck.



  • carbon monoxide from your vehicle plus a hose
  • Bill_14
    Bill_14 Member Posts: 345

    It is a steady and slow job of trapping them. Good luck

    Bill Russell
  • Dave Yates (PAH)
    Dave Yates (PAH) Member Posts: 2,162
    Live trapped the buggers

    in one we made from scratch. Just for fun, we took the rascals over to a local ambulance chasers home for release into his astoundingly beautiful garden. Nothing like unleashing one pest upon another(G). Poetic justice, we termed the catch/release program!

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  • Floyd
    Floyd Member Posts: 429
    works best...

    if you have a tractor or similar vehicle with a manual choke..... pull that succker on just so the motor keeps running and make LOTS of smoke!!!!!
    Then stand at the other hole till the sucker comes out all groggy and beat him with a hammer....one good blow to the head will knock em stiff!!!!

    Man I miss those days!!!!!

  • Torch
    Torch Member Posts: 4
    Got rid of one today Hydronically

    Found a wood chuck and his holes in our veggy garden yesterday. This morning (after reading pumping way) I hooked my pool vacuum hose to my filter's backwash pipe. While pumping away from the pool, at 70 GPM, and the hose in one hole, I stood at the other hole with a pitchfork. The water started coming out the hole, and soon the woodchuck was swimming to get out. So, how do you cook one of these suckers?
  • kevin
    kevin Member Posts: 420

    you could leave out some car anti-freeze....
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