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jerryb Member Posts: 113
You should check out the basements of Brooklyn,N,Y.No lights and RRRats that no cat in his right mind would mess with.


  • don_9
    don_9 Member Posts: 395
    Not me mate

    Went on service call today water leaking from ceiling.
    grab the drop lite and tools head on to the attic,there
    laying in the emergencey drain pan the biggest dam snake I have seen in a long time.I am sure it was a black snake chasing down a meal but the size of this thing intimidate the hell out of me.sorry lady you need to call the crocodile
    hunter.Off i go to work on a boiler thats back firing,i
    hope i dont see a fiery dragon with this one.
  • Mike Kraft
    Mike Kraft Member Posts: 406

    A couple of summers ago I was repiping a home on a crawl.I was by the rim joist and was jerking down the insulation............low and behold a baby milk snake(I thought it was a copper head)dropped from above and brushed mty head on the way down.Small little guy but effective.I hates snakes!

  • don_9
    don_9 Member Posts: 395

    > Don, A couple of summers ago I was repiping a

    > home on a crawl.I was by the rim joist and was

    > jerking down the insulation............low and

    > behold a baby milk snake(I thought it was a

    > copper head)dropped from above and brushed mty

    > head on the way down.Small little guy but

    > effective.I hates snakes!


    > cheese

  • I found a snake (Swampster)

    in an attic yesterday (birthday) too.

    It was 5'2" grey haired, big bellied homeowner, who cheap-skated me out of a tankless install after I had gone to her house after hours, and quite possibly prevented major flooding!!!

    Darn it, I promised I wasn't going to whine about it.

    Next customer, please.

    G'day mates, from the Swampster.
  • Mad Dog
    Mad Dog Member Posts: 2,595
    Mad Dog loves snakes..................................

    used to be big into herpetology...but.....I agree, when you ain't expectin' 'em they can give ya the willies!!!!! Always better than comin' 'cross rats though!!!!!! MD

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  • rudy_2
    rudy_2 Member Posts: 135

    Someone to clean out a culvert! If you hate snakes, this will put the fear in ya.
  • Frank_5
    Frank_5 Member Posts: 49
    I'll tell ya 'bout RATS

    Making a long story short........I had to repair a leaking drain line in a dairy. The leak was milk that represented itself under an offloading dock. (A sink was used to dump old, outdated product) Looked under that dock w/flash and if I saw one pair of red beady eyes, I saw a dozen.. Next day I showed up w/my 12 ga. semi loaded w/bird shot and emptied the magazine. Ahhh, I love the smell of gun powder in the morning!
  • John@Reliable
    John@Reliable Member Posts: 379
    Hey Brian,

    you want some cheese with your whine!
  • There's a left-handed pun

    in there somewhere :) from a "Reliable" source.

    I had a Kraft "Cheese" slice right above my whine.

    I wanted to take a slice outta the pot bellied house snake, but......there I go again. I'll stick to beer instead of you-know-what.

    This is a (cellophaned cheese) wrap for tonight.

    Mike, see what you and your name started :) or was it me and my Liebfraumilch (sp) where's Ken when you need him.

    It's 12.05 am, zonk time.


  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,884

    Young guy who works for me has NO problem with snakes. I came back to my office one day and he is standing in the office with one in his hands, "Hey look what I found over at that the job ". AAHHHH.

    He was on a job where the journyman was under a crawl space and this guy was handing him tools. Good thing the guy looked up when he asked for the 14". This guy had his hand out with a little garter snake in it. "What the *$#@ is the matter with you ".

    They still give me the willies.

    Scott " one snake" Milne

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  • Mad Dog
    Mad Dog Member Posts: 2,595
    Can I bring my........

    12 guage with #2 leads??????? You wouldn't even have to pay me rudy...MD

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  • Mad Dog
    Mad Dog Member Posts: 2,595
    Yeah!!!!!!!!! And killin' rats is like killin'

    Al Qaeda.....nuthin' but FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mad Dog

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  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,578
    I found one

    inside my overhead projector one day when I was doing a seminar in downtown Boston. It made the strangest shadow up there on the screen. You shoulda seen it! I burned my hand on the bulb trying to get it out. It was six feet long and as thick as Sheriff Murphy's bicep!
    Retired and loving it.
  • J.C.A.
    J.C.A. Member Posts: 349
    Snakes... No problem

    But rats ! eeek.
    Was in a crawl space a month ago , belly down trapped beneath some heating pipes . Rocks all around with no chance of a quick escape when there it was .... a pretty large DEAD rat right under my nose . Dead ones pose no threat but my minds eye was trying to convince me that he had no children or siblings in the area .
    I do remember a newbie I worked with a few years running and screaming like a little girl at the sight of a mouse.(6'2 about 320 lbs no less)
  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,884
    Oh a small one then

    Should have left him there Dan. Hot lamp.. they taste like chicken.

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  • Gary Fereday
    Gary Fereday Member Posts: 427

    Hey when I was a lad (teenager) We (brother and I ) went with Dad & Grandpa duck hunting. Stayed over night before the start of the hunt. There were garter snakes all over the place. Brother and I gathered up two large grocery bags of them. Wondered what to do with two bags(20#'s) of snakes. We threw them into the canal . The water boiled snakes for 2-3 minutes after. It was fun till we smelled our hands. Snake S#%* stinks I'll tell you! haven't touched one since! bigugh
  • Riles
    Riles Member Posts: 84
    Bought a different house

    Four years ago during a house inspection I came across multiple, very long, snake skins in the attic. Saw plenty of mice droppings and figured the slimy suckers were looking for the buffet.

    It was one thing to find skins all over the crawl space. I was a little apprehensive about the furnace maintenance halfway under the house.

    But with the attic, my mind envisioned snakes all over the house and I immediately found a different house.

    I always freak in the tiny crawl space under those ancient houses. Is the "Crock Hunter" R.P.A. certified?
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