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Has anyone seen this article yet? (they quote some dude named "Holohan....")


  • WMno57
    WMno57 Member Posts: 1,408
    "Faced with energy shortages, the government enacted new regulations requiring more efficient boilers. Many buildings resized their boilers without also replacing their pipes and radiators, throwing the systems badly out of balance."

  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    Very cool article 😎...The Steam is simple AND its what's behind all the 110 year old Plus walls, up in ceilings...Walls with plenty of A.C.M. (asbestos containing materials) in them, layers of lead paint on them and pipes covered in Asbestos insulation. Most of these old buildings have ZERO insulation in the old walls.  The cost & disruption to remove & abate these old, reliable Steam  systems properly, is not practical or feasible

    Like Dan wrote in "Greening Steam," let's improve what we have in place..All new construction and major gut renovations, by all means..Mandate LEED standards and new improvements that come out.  I believe in a Pragmatic TRANSITION, not Utopian goals in undoable time tables..Mad Dog 🐕 
  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,577
    @WMno57, the near-boiler piping. 
    Retired and loving it.