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Is this the main vent? Should there be more?

I was here a few days ago, stating that my service men said i don’t have main venting, A lot of people here found that hard to believe, and sure as crap i think i found it. Should there be more or is this the only one ?


  • Fmassarotto_9
    Fmassarotto_9 Member Posts: 111
    I forgot to mention, this main vent is around the vicinity of the second floor radiator, this is the last radiator in the second floor
  • neilc
    neilc Member Posts: 2,744
    that is a vent, whether adequate or not, TBD,
    would need to understand the rest of the system,

    there could be a vent for each main line leaving the boiler,
    or for a common return point,
    all depends on your system,

    are system pictures,
    boiler, rad type, wet/dry return
    posted on another thread? link?

    the one upstairs may have been added to make up for other issues,
    known to beat dead horses
  • neilc
    neilc Member Posts: 2,744
    neilc said:

    are system pictures,
    boiler, rad type, wet/dry return
    posted on another thread? link?

    known to beat dead horses
  • Fmassarotto_9
    Fmassarotto_9 Member Posts: 111
    neilc said:
    are system pictures, boiler, rad type, wet/dry return posted on another thread? link?
    nvm, https://forum.heatinghelp.com/discussion/194159/first-start-up-hissing-radiators#latest
    That’s the main i see. There one radiator directly above the boiler. i didn’t see anything on there. I traced the one that went to the sun room and it was a straight run. then i traced this one that went to the upstairs rad and found the vent. then below the vent i see a drop off that i assume goes to the wet return?
    How do i get that vent off? It’s fused into the threads, but i can’t get it off
  • neilc
    neilc Member Posts: 2,744
    penetrating oil,
    a dab of tranny oil,
    even 3 in 1,

    and a good fitting wrench,

    known to beat dead horses
  • Fmassarotto_9
    Fmassarotto_9 Member Posts: 111
    neilc said:
    penetrating oil, kroil, a dab of tranny oil, even 3 in 1, and a good fitting wrench,
    what would you recommend i replace it with? A Gorton or Maid o Mist? What number? I have maid o mist on my radiators if that matters 
  • neilc
    neilc Member Posts: 2,744
    I think my queston from the other thread still stands,
    neilc said:

    how many feet of pipe is there between the boiler, and the farthest radthis vent, a pipe diameter aslo?

    a street 45, a nipple and 45 might swing that vent location to a more open spot there, where a larger vent may fit,
    actual sizing/specifications aren't my specialty,
    length and diameter and others will jump in.

    went back and read that thread again,
    where you say the thermostat runs past setpoint,
    what type thermostat?
    and, if applicable,
    what heat type is it set for?
    known to beat dead horses
  • Fmassarotto_9
    Fmassarotto_9 Member Posts: 111
    neilc said:
    I think my queston from the other thread still stands,
    how many feet of pipe is there between the boiler, and the farthest radthis vent, a pipe diameter aslo?
    a street 45, a nipple and 45 might swing that vent location to a more open spot there, where a larger vent may fit, actual sizing/specifications aren't my specialty, length and diameter and others will jump in. went back and read that thread again, where you say the thermostat runs past setpoint, what type thermostat? and, if applicable, what heat type is it set for?
    RTH6360, set to nonprogrammable, Radiant, steam