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"You won't catch me in an Old Folk's Home...."

Mad Dog_2
Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
edited October 2023 in THE MAIN WALL
As the the Great Lynerd Skynerd sang in "You got that right!"  Need a push on this bathroom 🚻 rough with radiant.  Don, The Greatest Father In law that ever lived is 80, but still gets 20 feet up in his trees and and drags deer 🦌 out.  I'm glad to have the help. Not a plumber by trade, chemist, but he did whatever he had to do nights and weekends to provide for his kin. He Jack of all trades, Master Carpenter, electrician, car mechanic...I've been privileged to wage boiler room & plumbing Wars with him for 30 years.  Thats him talking to Big Chris Smith of New Hyde Park (Christ Plumbing Supply Est. 1810).  Chris is my mom & pop, brick & mortar supplier.  He gets first crack at everything.  Over the years has become a close personal friend & confidante....Thats his Right Hand Counter man,, Erwin from El Salvador...Mad Dog 🐕 
hot_rodSTEVEusaPACLambEdTheHeaterManAlan (California Radiant) Forbesheatheadreggi


  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    If you're in Western Nassau or Queens, or have faucet parts no one else has, he also owns Forecast Sales.  Honest, straight shooters .  Mad Dog 🐕 
  • Intplm.
    Intplm. Member Posts: 2,122
    I have some go-to folks in my area too.

    Dont know what I would do without them.

    @Mad Dog_2 Thanks for sharing.
  • Shane_2
    Shane_2 Member Posts: 193
    Did Forecast sales used to have a location in Asbury Park, NJ?
    Mad Dog_2
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    Yes..he purchased them about 8 yrs ago  Mad Dog 🐕 
    STEAM DOCTOR Member Posts: 2,087
    Mad Dog_2 said:
    If you're in Western Nassau or Queens, or have faucet parts no one else has, he also owns Forecast Sales.  Honest, straight shooters .  Mad Dog 🐕 
    Been there a number of times, for obscure parts. Never left empty-handed. Man knows his stuff, inside out. Don't expect a warm fuzzy🤣🤣
    Mad Dog_2
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    You nailed it...Does NOT suffer fools gladly. Next time you're theyre hang out for 20 minutes. He gets an unending barrage of Homeowners & DIYers who can't get what they need at HD or Lowes, have NO clue what they are doing, can barely speak English, have bad attitudes and constantly try to return stuff they broke because they are clueless.  Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II (My Favorite ever!) would lose their S--- with these people.

    Since 1810, people have been coming in there for stuff they can't get ANYWHERE ELSE.  Its a Cash Cow 🐄...Tell Chris you're a friend of mine, he atleast won't rip your head off. Ha ha 😂 🤣 😆 😄 Very good man!  Mad Dog 🐕 
    STEAM DOCTOR Member Posts: 2,087
    I am not there often, but every time , there is some entertainment. He has never given me a hard time , but I sort.of have a decent sense of what to say to whom. I did ask him, as a joke , for a 20 year warranty on something. This was after watching him bust someone's chops for trying to return something that the customer had messed up. I may have detected a slight smirk within that scowl. 
    Mad Dog_2
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    You got it....a twisted sense of humor!!  My man!  Mad Dog 🐕 
  • Teemok
    Teemok Member, Email Confirmation Posts: 652
    You are lucky to have all that, a good father in-law and an old local spot. Makes me miss the east coast. You have to be willing and prepared to take some abuse for the wisdom you might get out of those old ruff types. Some of them warm up a little with time, others, not so much. I like knowing what to expect from them. No BS.
    Mad Dog_2
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    edited October 2023
    Beware of overly polite, placator types.  I've always preferred blunt, no Bull people.  Chris Smith is the rare person in Life and Especially our trade that is 100% honest   24/7.  Me:  "Chris...is that 0014 Taco that I ordered in yet? Its been 3 weeks..."  Chris;
    Holy S--- Matt I totally forgot to order it..I'm sorry, man..I'll get back on it!"   At first, for a few seconds you're annoyed, but then you just laugh...No one else is going to admit that!!!  They'll blame it in The Supply Chain, Back order, blah, blah, blah.  Thats VERY refreshing!   Mad Dog 🐕