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The case of the boiler that wasn't a boiler, this weeks case.

RayWohlfarth Member Posts: 1,596
I didnt get a chance to send a a preview this week. I was asked by a contractor to look at the boiler rooms in a sewage treatment plant. When done, they asked me to look at a boiler in another room. This one looked much different than a traditional boiler. They were having intermittent problems ever since it was installed. That was when I learned this boiler was not a boiler, it was a sludge heater. Yikes!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz4vt9z9DxM
Ray Wohlfarth
Boiler Lessons
mikeapolis GGrossCLambPC7060Solid_Fuel_Man


  • retiredguy
    retiredguy Member Posts: 955
    edited September 2023
    @Ray, where was this sludge heater? This may be one I worked on. Every sewage treatment facility has a sludge heater to keep the "bugs" warm in the sewage so they eat more stuff. They can't be too hot or too cold.Too hot and you kill the bugs, too cold and they go to sleep. I worked on a few of these poop heaters. There is no magic hat. Just don 't make a mistake and open the wrong valve. The Ebensburg sewage treatment plant had a gas/oil unit that burned it's own methane when it was available. The one thing you never get used to is the smell! Have a great day.
    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 15,989

    I can relate to that smell. It gets into your clothes and everything. I spent several weeks doing a control job in a sewage treatment plant pulling 1000s of feet of control wire. Funny once you're in there for hours you get used to the smell. We also had some burners that burned the methane it was wet nasty gas. I don't remember any sludge heaters though maybe they did it with a steam coil or something.
  • EdTheHeaterMan
    EdTheHeaterMan Member Posts: 8,326
    Ray, I thought that was the reason that plumbers were licensed. So they could work on that s#it. Literally! You know... S#it rolls down hill, Payday's on Friday and Don't Bite your fingernails. First three questions of the test Right?

    Edward Young Retired

    After you make that expensive repair and you still have the same problem, What will you check next?

  • RayWohlfarth
    RayWohlfarth Member Posts: 1,596
    @retiredguy It was in southern WV I never knew whey they did that. Thanks
    @EBEBRATT-Ed That smell gets into everything. I worked on one methane heater in a sewage treatment plant and couldn't get that odor out of my clothes. The wife made me go to laundromat to clean the clothes LOL
    @EdTheHeaterMan I know those rules but you see Im not a plumber and gladly refer these types of jobs to plumbers. I could never be a plumber and I respect them for doing stuff most people wouldn't
    Ray Wohlfarth
    Boiler Lessons
  • EdTheHeaterMan
    EdTheHeaterMan Member Posts: 8,326
    @RayWohlfarth I also never took the plumbing exam, or ever wanted to. HVAC is where it's at. Especially boilers!

    Edward Young Retired

    After you make that expensive repair and you still have the same problem, What will you check next?

    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 15,989
    @RayWohlfarth & @EdTheHeaterMan

    "I know those rules but you see Im not a plumber and gladly refer these types of jobs to plumbers. I could never be a plumber and I respect them for doing stuff most people wouldn't"

    I agree. I wouldn't have minded having my plumbing license but WOULD have minded doing the work LOL

    I had about 14 different licenses at one time in different states and am down to 4 now that I should dump if I had any brains since I am retired. electrical, sheet metal oil burner gasfitter and pipe fitter was to much for me to have had anyhow. It kept me busy and employed but I don't know if I would go that route again.

    I was in the plumbers &pipefitters union for the last 20 years and could never understand why the plumbers and fitters fought each other all the time, but that is slowly changing.

    I have the upmost respect for plumbers.
  • RayWohlfarth
    RayWohlfarth Member Posts: 1,596
    @EdTheHeaterMan Ed I agree I would rather work on a boiler anytime
    @EBEBRATT-Ed I do too. I asked a plumber friend how he put up with the smell and he smiled and said, Smells like money to me" I said No it doesn't LOL
    Ray Wohlfarth
    Boiler Lessons
  • Lance
    Lance Member Posts: 286
    While this topic smelled a little funny to me, I thought I'd chime in. Being a master of many trades including plumbing and hvac I can say with absolute conviction all trades have some really bad points and really good points. But the helper's apprentice position is usually the worst place to be for any length of time. But like boot camp, once you done it, you can't be fooled, and you will mature. At least for most of us. I started in a manhole, graduated to an open sewer trench with constant flushing, then onto grease trap maintenance where bleach is your best friend. Crack that lid before bleaching it and you will want to vomit.
    As I moved upward into the attics with hvac in august I was reminder of my hay days in 140F barns. Can't do that at 69 years anymore but i was at 68 in august this year. Came out of the attic and those who saw me thought I was dying. But all trades people are the real tough and great ones. Without us nothing works but the Shepard's crook tending the sheep. Oh, my master plumber taught me; Hot on left, Cold on right, **** runs down, and pay on Friday. My wife said strip outside before you come into my house. I did.
  • Lance
    Lance Member Posts: 286
    Saw my ****, is feces ok to use?
  • Erin Holohan Haskell
    Erin Holohan Haskell Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,347
    Lance said:

    Saw my ****, is feces ok to use?

    Yes. :)


  • hot_rod
    hot_rod Member Posts: 22,703
    I have seen it done with electric immersion heater rods also.
    Bob "hot rod" Rohr
    trainer for Caleffi NA
    Living the hydronic dream
  • A1Boss
    A1Boss Member Posts: 5
    60% of my work used to be this Market Burning Azz Gas to heat Sludge
  • RayWohlfarth
    RayWohlfarth Member Posts: 1,596
    @A1Boss I salute you sir You are way tougher than I could ever be LOl
    @Lance The apprentice does get all the nasty work.
    Ray Wohlfarth
    Boiler Lessons