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Spokes and baseball cards

ScottSecor Member Posts: 873
I just read Dan Holohan's recent article "My Father's American Dream." Dan mentioned sticking baseball cards on his bicycle spokes and fastening them with clothes pins.

Back in the 1970's we also did this as kids for the same effect, that cool motor sound of the cards slapping against the front forks of our bicycle. This past Tuesday my wife and I went to a local pizza place and decided to eat outside as the weather was perfect for an August evening in NJ. Just as we were finishing our dinner five kids pulled up on their bikes to go to the ice cream shop next door. One of the kid's had Bicycle brand poker playing cards taped to his spokes on his front and rear tires. This was the first time I saw or heard this in over forty years (I'm 56).

For about sixty seconds I debated in my head if I should talk to the kids or not. My wife normally is the voice of reason on these things. She say's, "yeah why not?" I walk over to the group of kids and talk to them about their "invention." I asked, "how did you learn how to do this." They answered, "Tik-Tok." I felt really old and really young at the same time. The kid with the customized bike was concerned that if the cops saw the playing cards he might get harassed or in some kind of trouble. I mentioned that I did not think the police would bother him. To be twelve again...
Mad Dog_2MikeAmann


    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 15,989
    Used to tie balloons to the spokes as well. Can't remember if we filled them with water. They didn't last very long.
    Mad Dog_2
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    I was a Football Guy in the early 1970s, so I used Football cards in my spokes.  The future delinquents of my Neighborhood used to steal Chrome Caps off the Tires of The Caddys and sell them to us for our bike tires...50 Cent each!  What we REALLY loved to do is make ramps like Evil Knieval and Jump them...Got knocked out once...Wore my football Helmet and All the Pads after that.  We had a GREAT childhood.. just be home for dinner..  Mad Dog 🐕 