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GB 142 drawer won't open completely

FB Member Posts: 45
The drawer of our Buderus GB 142-24 won't open completely. When open, it only reveals about half of the temperature display. I may have been careless and put too much weight on the interior when the cover was removed for the annual cleaning and inspection. Have you encountered this problem and been able to determine the cause? Thanks and best regards to all.


  • EdTheHeaterMan
    EdTheHeaterMan Member Posts: 8,326
    Take the cover off and look for the blockage. Something is stopping the drawer from opening. Could be wires too short in the back of the drawer, could be a piece of debris in the slide mechanism. If you don't look for the problem, I guarantee you will not find it.

    Edward Young Retired

    After you make that expensive repair and you still have the same problem, What will you check next?

    Mad Dog_2
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    How old is this GB?  We're seeing the 15-18 year old are on their last legs. Replacing with Navien (competitive) & Viessman (Zee Best!).  Are you saying it won't slide out automatically?  Or you physically can't pull it out by hand?  Mad Dog 🐕 
  • tim smith
    tim smith Member Posts: 2,775
    edited June 2023
    Other thing to watch out for is the kim ( name from memory??) card at the back of the drawer has been known to pull out of slot, don't ask me how I know. Just a little out and no go. See note below from post 7 yrs ago.
  • tim smith
    tim smith Member Posts: 2,775
    tim smith
    tim smith Member Posts: 2,565
    April 2016
    thanks guys for your help, ended up even though UBA was seated all the way in sub base, some times the KIM card does not seat all the way in UBA due to it pushes too far back into the sub base holder. They say pull kim card out of sub base and insert into UBA before mounting UBA to base. Go figure? Local tech rep for Buderus had not heard of that?
  • FB
    FB Member Posts: 45
    Thanks for your responses. The drawer slides out about halfway. By removing the cover, the entire display can be seen so it has not been a serious problem. Yet.
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    What year was it installed?  mad dog  🐕 
  • FB
    FB Member Posts: 45
    The boiler was installed in 2007
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    16 yrs old...That's when they seem to start failing.  Was the GB flushed and cleaned every year?  Mad Dog 🐕 
  • kcopp
    kcopp Member Posts: 4,462
    Just pronounced one today... Leaking at the HX joints. Condensate pump runs every 15 min... heat has been off since Memorial day. DHW is electric.
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,354
    edited June 2023
    Without digging through my old files, when did Buderus drop the GB-142 on our markets??  I'm gonna say 2003?  We put alot of them in till around 2008 when the economy tanked...then only a 1/2 Dozen after that till 2012ish.  When they actually stop production of them?  Anyone know?  Mad Dog 🐕 
  • Big Ed_4
    Big Ed_4 Member Posts: 2,891
    Bosch bought Buderus a few years ago .

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  • Big Ed_4
    Big Ed_4 Member Posts: 2,891
    The GB142 is a work horse . Sure I swap out a few heat exchanges , the first one was rough . Once you know it is best to split cut the unions and figuring on replacing the compressions its a good job .

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • FB
    FB Member Posts: 45
    Yes, it has been flushed and cleaned every year.
    Mad Dog_2