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cold radiators

Camperch Member Posts: 29
Trying to get baseboard convectors to flow water, part or an original mono system that worked for 10 years (no modifications since), this winter no matter how much I bleed not all radiators get flow. Been bleeding them for three days. Taco 007 running, zone valve open (Honeywell), pressure 17 psi on system, water circulating through loop 170F leaving boiler, cooler on return about 140F, all valves open boiler bled. Can pump flow have deteriorated? Posted this in plumbing section, did not find a hydroinic section?



  • Erin Holohan Haskell
    Erin Holohan Haskell Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,347
    @Camperch, I've merged your duplicate posts into one here. This forum category will cover it. Thanks!


  • Camperch
    Camperch Member Posts: 29
    Merry Christmas all. Just want to let everyone know I got an early Christmas present. The person's radiators I was trying to get working are now hot! This is what happened, the boiler has a control which lowers the water temp. under light loads. Since we now have 7 F outside air temperature, the boiler raised the water temp. and the radiators are operating via gravity/thermo-siphon principle due to the greater differential in water temperature.
    That aside, my second present was my own system had the 2nd floor loop freeze since this is the first year it was put on a separate zone since 1972. I had the 2nd floor stat set low, and a poorly insulated portion of the outside wall froze the water. We were home to catch the problem, and the pipe did not burst. It was also super easy to remove the drywall since it has to be done anyway. So I am a happy buck-a-roo.
    Hope all have a Happy Healthy Christmas and New Year.
    I know we are going to be very busy when these pipes thaw out in a few days!
  • mattmia2
    mattmia2 Member Posts: 10,205
    The 2 days of wind and being 0 here will freeze far more pipes than -15 will
  • mattmia2
    mattmia2 Member Posts: 10,205
    Monoflow trees induce flow in the emitter. Low water temps could be an issue if there isnt much flow.
  • Camperch
    Camperch Member Posts: 29
    The system does not have mono-flow tees, just regular black tees
  • mattmia2
    mattmia2 Member Posts: 10,205
    Camperch said:

    part or an original mono system

    Then what does this mean?

  • Camperch
    Camperch Member Posts: 29
    Meant to say "part of an original mono flow system" The first floor or these houses were originally built with this system in the 50's, later on in the house referred to, several modifications were made during construction and expansion of the house. The 1st floor retains the original piping loop, and baseboard radiators were added (which is supposed to a no-no) however it functioned for 10 years. Ten years since super storm sandy cause the house to be repaired and a new boiler installed.
    The system requires a high enough temperature of the water supplied through the loop to effectively create a gravity effect since the pressure differential between the supply end and the return end of the emitters is minimal.
  • mattmia2
    mattmia2 Member Posts: 10,205
    you can still buy monoflow tees and install it correctly.