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Single burner sputtering

finneus Member Posts: 1
Frigidedare furnace ONE single burner (out of 4) is sputtering after ignition. I’m not a tech but very handy and mechanical. 


  • EdTheHeaterMan
    EdTheHeaterMan Member Posts: 8,421
    edited November 2022
    Dirt in the orifice that feeds the burner
    Insufficient pressure
    Too much air
    These are the first 3 things I might check

    Do you have a pressure gauge (manometer) for checking gas pressure?

    Is it an end burner or a middle burner?
    Is it propane of natural gan?

    Finally, If this is not your profession... Have you had a professional maintenance performed on your equipment?

    Some people do their own oil change and maintenance, some take their Ford to a dealer. Heaters need maintenance too!
    Have you ever asked for an air filter for a Ford? The first question the counter man will ask is " Model and Year of the car?" so... your Frigidedare... How old and does it have a model number?

    A picture of the heater and of the problem burner can be very helpful too

    Edward Young Retired

    After you make that expensive repair and you still have the same problem, What will you check next?

    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 16,015
    In addition to the above the burner could be dirty or twisted out of alignment