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Oil to charity

spauly Member Posts: 1
I live on Long Island and am doing a gas conversion. Is there anyone that would take about 100 gallons oil and get it to a needy family.  


  • EdTheHeaterMan
    EdTheHeaterMan Member Posts: 8,143
    Check with a handy man that removes oil tanks as part of his services. The big tank removal companies will charge dearly to remove that as a hazardous material. The local oil dealers may know someone that does this. I had a guy in South Jersey that went by Taylor Tank Removal. Small one man operation. Had his brother in law help when needed.

    Unless you have some 55 gallon drums and a transfer pump, I'm not sure you will find anyone on this site. The conscience here is never use oil from an old tank in your own tank. You never know what is in that old tank that can cause a service problem in the poor persons oil heater. Then what kind of a favor did you actually do? No Good Deed goes Unpunished!

    Edward Young Retired

    After you make that expensive repair and you still have the same problem, What will you check next?
