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Taco Viridian Circulator Pump Light Is Blinking - Why?

Kman18 Member Posts: 14
edited February 2022 in THE MAIN WALL
While the pump is on, it will sometime blink 5 times....what does this mean?


  • Dave H_2
    Dave H_2 Member Posts: 567
    These circulators have an auto-correction feature built in.

    When running, if the light starts to flash white and then back to normal color, then you may have an air issue. This circ will recognize if there is air present in the volute of the circ, it is trying to purge the air by quickly slowing down then speeding back up to normal. I have also seen this occur when your system pressure is low and you have a failed (or almost failed) expansion tank and the relief valve has operated.

    The other auto-correction feature has a red and white light flash. This in indicative of a rotor not rotating freely. This is telling us to take a look at the water quality for any solids and/or black iron oxides in the water. If this is the instance, the circ will stop, quickly jog the rotor back and forth and then go back to high speed trying to rid whatever is holding or impeding the rotor from spinning freely.

    The air purge function will occur indefinitely whereas the locked rotor function will occur for 20 minutes and then stop altogether and you will end up with a red light.

    Here is a video to see the function and the lights

    Dave H.
    Dave H
  • Kman18
    Kman18 Member Posts: 14
    Thanks. The light on my pump is blue only, it was installed about 7 years ago.
  • Dave H_2
    Dave H_2 Member Posts: 567
    You may not see the quick change of the LED to white from blue.
    Dave H
  • Kman18
    Kman18 Member Posts: 14
    Nope, It's blue only.