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Whats the best way to make a cleanout for a wet return 1 1/2

acl10 Member Posts: 349
Whats the best way to make a cleanout for a wet return 1 1/2. I want to add a cleanout so I can flush the entire return out. I snaked it out a few years ago when it was sluggish. The snake cleared out the rust them and it has been working better since.


  • delta T
    delta T Member Posts: 884
    edited October 2021
    Is there a union anywhere convenient? Cutting in a cleanout access will need some cutting and threading to do it right...

    How did you access it last time you cleaned it out?
  • acl10
    acl10 Member Posts: 349
    I uscrewed the union but I want to make one that doesnt take work
    JUGHNE Member Posts: 11,180
    You need a ball valve on each end, on the vertical pipe if possible and high as possible.
    Then where it drops under the valve at the floor instead of 90's.
    Or if possible use crosses rather than tees.

    You can put a reducing bushing or coupling as the cleanout plug with a 3/4" ball valve and garden hose adaptor.

    Then close both ball valves, connect a water supply to one end and a drain to the other.
    Flush as needed, maybe in both directions.

    If it needs snaking out then you just remove the bushing/coupling for access.

    Once opened and flushed every year it may not need snaking.
  • Big Ed_4
    Big Ed_4 Member Posts: 2,891
    If you instal a shut off on the return as it rises up to the Hartford loop and a boiler drain right before .You can use the steam pressure to clean out the return ..

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