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Ideal Temperature sensor results steam

Hinman Member Posts: 38
edited November 2018 in Strictly Steam
Novice here. I have a control panel for a 12 unit building. 6 temp sensors in apartments and 6 temp readings on the control panel. Seeing as I have no clue, what is considered a good result in terms of what I set the temp to and what the temp readings show? Meaning if I set the temp to say 71.5... on a well operating system what should the temp in the apartments show? Since it’s steam I doubt it’s going to be 71.5, so what is a good variance before it’s considered not working well? Right now i have it set to 71.5 and after the boiler fires and turns off as it goes through it’s cycle the highest temp in 2 apartments shows 76 and 78(first floor apartments in 3 story building), and the other 4 are between 70 to 74 so there is a very wide range. I’m in the process of properly venting the mains so I’m sure that’s a factor, but if it doesn’t change once I vent the mains properly what is the issue to be corrected to have better balance and get those temps closer to what I set it to? At the individual radiators themselves or somewhere else? Again, I have no idea what variances is considered acceptable at the control panel with steam heating. Attached is an image of the panel. T-RISE on the panel is 1 and the pressuretrol is currently 1lb.


  • neilc
    neilc Member Posts: 2,728
    all 3 floors, and all their apartments, would come to setpoint, period, as you described.
    And as you detail, once the main venting is improved to adequate, you will then move upstairs to the apartments and do venting balancing there.
    hotter areas you will slow the venting,
    then, cooler areas you will speed up venting,
    but get the mains vented as fast as possible, and closing as close as possible to each other first.
    There may be some trial and error upstairs, it may take a bit.
    known to beat dead horses
    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 15,998
    I agree wit @neilc

    But you temperature variance is about 8 degrees. Not terrible. A little tweaking will improve it. If you can get itdown to 3-4 degrees I would think hat is satisfactory.

    What is the control panel controlling?
  • Hinman
    Hinman Member Posts: 38
    @neilc once I get my main venting completed, is there a recommendation for where to start? Better at the top of the building and work my way down and deal with the issues you mentioned or 1st floor up or what? Just wondering if there is a procedure or just start anywhere and attempt to balance the hot cold issues I find?
  • Hinman
    Hinman Member Posts: 38
    @EBEBRATT-Ed the panel in the picture controls the burner. There is a big burner/blower at the front of the boiler. It’s a converted coal boiler from the 20’s. Basically when the temp reaches what I have it set to on the control panel it fires up the burner then turns off once it reaches whatever info it’s using to determine when to shut off.
  • Start the venting improvements in the basement, and the supplies their will get filled with steam in a couple of minutes.
    Later you can change any vents on the top floor to have faster ones, and slower ones on the ground and 2nd floor.—NBC
  • neilc
    neilc Member Posts: 2,728
    So you have sensors in each couple of apartments?
    (76 - 78* first floor),
    That's where you start by slowing down those hot radiators.
    This may be individually in each room or rad of each apartment.
    By slowing down these hot ones first you will free up more steam for the cooler areas.

    At the same time your looking for rads that don't heat at all, everywhere.
    Check the valve is open all the way, and then assume the vent is failed shut, and replace, either with new, or one you have from slowing others.
    See where that gets you.

    The vents you pull off as failed, some folks have had success soaking or boiling in vinegar and getting them serviceable again.
    known to beat dead horses