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Hoffman 4A short lifespan

1Matthias Member Posts: 148
Anyone else having issues with the newer Hoffman vents having a really short life? We ordered and installed a 4A about 2 months ago, and it has already failed open. It's on a tiny secondary main feeding two radiators that heats up almost instantly compared to the bigger main, so whatever vent is put on it needs to be fairly small.


  • nicholas bonham-carter
    nicholas bonham-carter Member Posts: 8,578
    Higher pressure, (over 1.5 psi), can often kill vents, as well as water hammer. Is the vent right next to the drop to wet return where it may get hit by a slug of hammered water?—NBC
  • 1Matthias
    1Matthias Member Posts: 148
    It's not exactly over the drop to the wet return, but it is very close, however it is raised up at least 10 inches, if not more. Also, the system pressure appears to not be getting close to 1.5 PSI. (Max I've seen on the gauge is about .5)