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Pigtail, pressuretrol and gauge too close to boiler jacket

On my boiler the gauge, pigtail, and pressuretrol are all attached via a small pipe coming out of the right side of the top sight glass valve. This horizontal pipe sits only about an inch away from the boiler jacket, making it very hard to remove the gauge, pigtail and pressuretrol. The boiler jacket gets scratched, and it is simply awkward. A very poor design. Are there any sort of couplings or unions that would allow me to keep these things stationary? Sorry if this is unclear. Just a homeowner.


  • Fred
    Fred Member Posts: 8,542
    Pictures of what you have would help but to answer your question, yes, you can put together any configuration of fittings/nipples necessary, including 1/4" unions that will allow you to have easy removal of those devices. They don't even need to be where they are if you have another tapping that is more convenient. Just remember, the Pressuretrol should be above the boiler water line.
    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 15,998
    Pictures will help
  • Steamer1928
    Steamer1928 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2017
    Hope this helps
  • nicholas bonham-carter
    nicholas bonham-carter Member Posts: 8,578
    He must have assembled the pigtail, gauge, and pressuretrol before the upper gaugecock was screwed into the boiler.
    Shut off the boiler, unwire the pressuretrol, marking the connections, take out the rods and glass tube, and rotate the assembly 180degrees, so the pigtail is beyond the edge of the boiler.
    Put a brass close nipple, and brass union onto the gaugecock and screw the pigtail, etc into the union for easier disassembly/cleaning later. It would be wise to get a brass or copper pigtail to replace the steel one.
    There is probably a better port for that pigtail, but it may be difficult to use it now.
    Looks like your pressure is too high.--NBC
  • BobC
    BobC Member Posts: 5,489
    My boiler was similar to yours and I found I could spin the pressuretrol because the boiler jacket was very thin metal and would deflect. You might scrape the paint up but you could find the same. When I mounted the vaporstat I added a pipe nipple to get it above the top of the boiler.

    Smith G8-3 with EZ Gas @ 90,000 BTU, Single pipe steam
    Vaporstat with a 12oz cut-out and 4oz cut-in
    3PSI gauge
  • Koan
    Koan Member Posts: 439
    Both @Fred and @nicholas bonham-carter are correct. You have many options,

    Also, there is essentially no pigtail for the pressure gauge. Consider putting a pigtail and coupling between the gauge and the tee the gauge now screws into. First turn the tee so the vertical outlet faces toward the camera, remove the gauge now facing down by using a wrench on the square section (don't turn the gauge itself). The get another 270 degree pigtail (like is on the pressuretrol) and a coupler (looks like 1/4 in pipe). Fill the pigtail with water and screw the gauge on. This will keep the steam from going into the gauge.

    Also, to remove the pressuretrol, unscrew the wires one at a time marking where they go. Next use a pipe wrench to rotate the horizontal portion of the pigtail coming out of the tee down toward the ground until it hits the furnace. This may give you enough room to unscrew the pressuretrol.