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using the gauge glass to see if skimming is needed

Koan Member Posts: 439
edited March 2017 in Strictly Steam
Somewhere here on the wall is a post on how to remove the plug from the bottom of the gauge glass, then close the bottom valve and see if the steam blows through. Evidently if it does without condensation, it bodes well that skimming has been successful. Can someone please point me to that post?


  • Fred
    Fred Member Posts: 8,542
    I don't think that will tell you anything about how well the skimming job was/is. I do recall someone saying that the process you suggest is a way to steam clean the gauge glass without taking it off.
    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 15,998
    I believe Dan describes this in the LAOSH. Shut the bottom gage glass valve and put a wrench on the bottom plug and open it. You don't take the plug out. With a normal water level steam will fill the gage glass and come out the bottom blow down plug on the gage glass (when the boiler is steaming)

    You should only get steam, if you get water carrying over the boiler needs skimming
  • Koan
    Koan Member Posts: 439
    @EBEBRATT-Ed thank you - I have LAOSH and will review, but this makes things fairly clear.
  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,578
    It's here: https://heatinghelp.com/blog/the-teachings-of-fremont/

    How I loved that old man.
    Retired and loving it.
  • Koan
    Koan Member Posts: 439
    @DanHolohan Thank you sir! This is exactly for what I was looking!