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Steam pipe expansion noise

Hey guys, I have a noise in a vertical steam pipe I believe to be "expansion" noise. I don't think it's water hammer, it's not very loud. It's a tick, tick, tick while heating, as steam is entering the pipe. It lasts about 30 seconds and appears to be happening right where my bedroom radiator is connected. This noise never happened until about a week ago when I disconnected the very large radiator above it, connected to the same pipe. I'm wondering if this is why it's making noise, maybe because the length of pipe above the radiator is loose and now free to move with heating cycles. Does that sound right or just coincidental?


  • Fred
    Fred Member Posts: 8,542
    It could be expansion noise. Check that loose pipe upstairs and see if it is resting against a floor board. If so, put a piece of plastic, like a piece of milk carton where it is resting so that it can slide without making that noise.
  • sobriquet
    sobriquet Member Posts: 46
    Well I slipped some plastic between the pipe and floor - made no difference. Tomorrow I'm going to recheck pitches on the radiators connected to this pipe
    JUGHNE Member Posts: 11,183
    The weight of the disconnected rad may have kept the pipe from growing vertically, it may have bowed a little and moved slower as it expanded. But is now free to lengthen quickly.
  • Fizz
    Fizz Member Posts: 547
    Checked to see if pitch to riser changed or dropped. I had the same sound and checked basement, sure enough pipe dropped slightly, raised it and fine now. It's probably very slight water hammer.