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Lochinvar CON-X-US...and some shameless bragging to the only people who I know will appreciate this!

delta T
delta T Member Posts: 884
Anyone tried this out yet?


Just got my first request for one, putting it in as soon as it gets here.

This will make my life so easy on this particular system.

Gonna brag a little bit here about this one, forgive me :blush: . I did all the heatloss myself using my own spreadsheets. Did the whole system design myself. Was very nervous as this is the first time I have attempted to design and install a heating system like this. But it works!!! (phew)

Lochinvar WHN, P/S using a Caleffi hydro sep w/ air and dirt separation, 34 runtal rads, parallel piping from a common manifold (yes there is a LOT of 1/2 Hepex!) each with its own TRV, constant circulation using a Wilo stratos Eco, no thermostats, outdoor reset with night setback for sleeping comfort. Design water setpoint at -10 outside temp is 130. Currently, as the heating season starts, I have the top of the curve set for 140 just to be on the safe side. Getting an accurate heat loss was difficult as this was a remodel and not all of the insulation values are known and infiltration is always a crapshoot, especially when the blower door test was done by an incompetent p***k with no doorknobs installed on any outside doors and a window open that no one noticed (GC was dumb, that's another very long story). Anyway, system is working well, HO's report very even heat, and comfortable and consistent at any outside temp so far (its gotten into the 20's at night a few times now).

Hard part is that the house is 45 mins up the mountain so making tweeks to the night setback or ODR can become problematic. I have it working fine now, but I want to squeeze every bit of efficiency out of it that I can. Thinking of flattening the ODR curve by one degree every couple of days until they notice a change, then I should have my optimum setpoint from which I should be able to calculate the exact night setback for their comfort. Ten seconds on my phone sounds a lot better than 1.5 hrs drive time! Think I might try to get this on every knight I install from here on out if it works as advertised.

Anyone with any experience with the con-x-us please give me your feedback. I know they have been available on the commercial boilers for a bit, but we mostly do residential so I haven't had the opportunity to use one yet.

Thanks in advance!


  • keyote
    keyote Member Posts: 659
    please keep updating installing khn and would like this eventually
  • delta T
    delta T Member Posts: 884
    Thing is a life saver. You have full installer menu access from phone, customizable email and text alerts for whatever condition you want, usage statistics, graphs and data logging better than you get from the boiler itself. I am installing one with all of my Lochinvar systems from now on. Can't recommend it enough!!
  • Tinman
    Tinman Member Posts: 2,808
    I know Mark Eatherton has used them successfully so you may want to reach out to him. I'm really looking forward to using them myself.
    Steve Minnich
  • Gordy
    Gordy Member Posts: 9,546
    Think of the time saved. Doing trouble shooting, and adjustments from anywhere. I think it's worth it's weight in gold.
    Tinmandelta TCanuckerrick in Alaska
  • Boon
    Boon Member Posts: 260
    edited August 2016
    Bought it but my system isn't up & running yet. It was my present to myself for putting myself through this project. Glad to hear the great review. [edit: what an odd present to myself]
    DIY'er ... ripped out a perfectly good forced-air furnace and replaced it with hot water & radiators.
    Tinmandelta T
  • Gordy
    Gordy Member Posts: 9,546
    It will save you from sitting on a bucket watching the beast breathe. Your new best freind.

    Not so odd depending on the company you keep........
    delta TCanucker
  • Brewbeer
    Brewbeer Member Posts: 616
    Is the con x us board plug and play?
    Hydronics inspired homeowner with self-designed high efficiency low temperature baseboard system and professionally installed mod-con boiler with indirect DHW. My system design thread: http://forum.heatinghelp.com/discussion/154385
    System Photo: https://us.v-cdn.net/5021738/uploads/FileUpload/79/451e1f19a1e5b345e0951fbe1ff6ca.jpg
  • delta T
    delta T Member Posts: 884
    Pretty much, it takes a little bit of work to get it installed, its been a while since I put one in, but if I remember correctly, you are basically taking the plug from the display interface into the conxus, then a new plug from there to where the display would normally plug into the main board on the boiler. It took me about 15 mins to install it, no settings are lost in the process, and then you have to give it access to the wifi network in your house through the mobile app. The conxus board mounts on the back of the mezanine, check with lochinvar, depending on the age of the unit you may need a retrofit mezanine that has the right holes in it.
  • keyote
    keyote Member Posts: 659
    so it can be added on later?
    Boon i think its an excellent present.
    This will weaponize bucket sitting.
  • delta T
    delta T Member Posts: 884
    yes I believe it can be retrofitted to any of the newer generation WHN and KHN and KBN boilers (if your control has a scroll wheel it should work, don't think it works with the older knight controls though). I would confirm with Lochivar before ordering however to be sure. As I stated above some models require a different mezanine be installed.
  • keyote
    keyote Member Posts: 659
    havnt bought the khn yet but was thinking i might wait a bit for the fun bit.
  • Boon
    Boon Member Posts: 260
    I called Lochinvar's tech folks before ordering because the manual didn't say anything about a mounting bracket for the KHN. Turns out the KHN doesn't need the mounting bracket; it is ready to accept the con-x-us board as-is.
    DIY'er ... ripped out a perfectly good forced-air furnace and replaced it with hot water & radiators.
  • delta T
    delta T Member Posts: 884
    Yeah I think anything newer than 2012 or so is set up for it from the factory.