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LWCO installed....need new tech

General Member Posts: 120
The LWCO and feed have been installed on our steam boiler. I have ordered and read "We have steam heat". I set the radiators to slope properly, reset the LWCO to the proper setting and I am now looking for a new service tech. The blank stares I got from the tech tell me it is time for someone more knowledgeable before we need service in the future. If anyone can suggest someone in the Fenton, MI area I would appreciate it.


  • General
    General Member Posts: 120
    I should have said that I NEED A STEAM PRO...a tech just isn't going to do anymore. When I know more than the person coming to service the boiler.....well, I think you get my point.
  • KC_Jones
    KC_Jones Member Posts: 5,748
    Maybe someone will comment, but it is seeming like Michigan is a black hole for Steam systems. I have seen people comment from Michigan before and in the find a contractor there aren't any "steam men" listed in the whole state. The closest to you is Gerry Gill and he is in Cleveland, OH. Which isn't really close. There are some on here that will do consultation, but due to licensing can't actually do any work. I am sure that isn't what you wanted to hear. Perhaps someone close to you can comment if they know a good steam man in the area. Seems like a good business opportunity for someone?!
    2014 Weil Mclain EG-40
    EcoSteam ES-20 Advanced Boiler Control
    Boiler pictures updated 2/21/15
  • nicholas bonham-carter
    Ban was from Michigan as a building owner, and perhaps an email could be sent to him asking for some names.
    Otherwise, as you increase your knowledge here, you may have to find someone who can follow your instructions.--NBC
  • General
    General Member Posts: 120
    I appreciate your reply. How can I get an email for Ban?
  • nicholas bonham-carter
    Do a search for his name here, and when some old posts come up, there is usually a way to send an email.--NBC
  • General
    General Member Posts: 120
    Thanks! I will try sending him an email....