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Information request - high quality, small footprint, gas, steam boiler replacement

I own an old home that contains the following
* A gas fired steam boiler that is over 10 years old
* The boiler is in a fairly finished basement (used for utility and storage, not living) and vents to a chimney flue shared with an adjacent gas water heater
* The system supplies steam to eight radiators: four of which are on the first floor above the basement and the remaining four are one the second floor

I am interested in replacing the gas steam boiler with the:
* I am very, very interested in reducing the footprint in the basement and am therefore interested in hearing more about dimensions of the device.
* A modern, clean, durable, high quality, long lasting, efficient gas steam boiler
* Works with the existing radiators
* It can continue to use the existing flue
* Lowest price is not necessary

I'm hoping users of this site can direct me to recommended brands and models so I can research further.

Thank you.


  • nicholas bonham-carter
    The quality of most of the available boilers is in the installation, rather than the boiler itself. Different makes have different requirements, but as long as these are met in the installation, then the result will be the same.
    Are you having some problems with the present system, which you think may be solved by a new boiler? Give us some details.
    Post some pictures of a radiator, and the present boiler and its piping, and we can evaluate, what your choices may be.--NBC
  • Mark N
    Mark N Member Posts: 1,115
    The way I read it is, he wants a boile rthat takes up less room. Post some pictures of what you have. I doubt a new boiler will take up less space.
  • hand123
    hand123 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks to all for your quick responses. Sounds like if the system is working, I shouldn't mess with it. Sounds like a boiler replacement is a big expense for not much return if I am simply looking for a smaller footprint and newer (fairly unchanged) technology. I've also seen that replacing or refurbishing steam radiators is expensive. So, again, if it ain't broke, don't mess with it. If and when I consider fully finishing my basement and taking on other renovations, I may consider replacing the boiler and radiators. So for now, I'm not going to make any changes. Thanks again for the responses.
  • KC_Jones
    KC_Jones Member Posts: 5,748
    You aren't considering getting rid of the steam heat in the future are you? You mention replacing boiler AND radiators. Those radiators in all likelihood will out last you and your kids so don't assume because they are old they won't last or will need replaced.
    2014 Weil Mclain EG-40
    EcoSteam ES-20 Advanced Boiler Control
    Boiler pictures updated 2/21/15
  • hand123
    hand123 Member Posts: 3
    I like the steam heat. I've read that it is very efficient. I don't like forced air heat. I see no reason to convert the steam system. Sounds like I should not mess with a system that is working well until a repair need arises. Thanks again for your comments and advice.