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A Question for KC Jones?

Mark N
Mark N Member Posts: 1,115
KC, I'm very interested in how your system is working with the Hi-Lo gas valve. At what pressure do you have the vaporstat set to trigger Lo fire? When just maintaining temp do you even generate enough pressure to trigger lo fire?
What is the input at Lo fire?




  • Mark N
    Mark N Member Posts: 1,115
    Thanks KC please keep us informed. Maybe instead of a Vaporstat use a temp sensor at the end of the main. Drop to Lo fire once steam is to the end of the mains. Maybe MarkS has some ideas on how to accomplish this.
  • Mark N
    Mark N Member Posts: 1,115
    KC, in the meantime I would clock the gas meter with only the boiler running. Clock it at High fire and Lo fire. At least you would know where you're at. I have a small system like you and never go above 1 oz. pressure under normal operating conditions. I use 3 Gorton #1's on each of my mains (not enough headroom for #2"s) and an assortment of #5's and 6's on the rads. Go to the Heating Museum on the main page then Old Steam. Find the articles "It's All In The Venting" and "The Big Problem With One-Pipe Steam". Lots of great info in those articles.
  • Mark N
    Mark N Member Posts: 1,115
    Joe, I would be interested in how it works out. Staged firing is usually used on much larger boilers than KC's. I wonder how low you can go with the EG-40 without issues? How much can you safely down fire an atmospheric boiler?
  • Mark N
    Mark N Member Posts: 1,115
    KC, I wouldn't have thought you could down fire an atmospheric 33%. I thought maybe more like 10-15%. How bad does the combustion efficiency drop off at a 33% down fire?