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Richardson system

lbud Member Posts: 3
I ran into a Richardson main vent that is broken. The screw is broken off of the diaphragm. There are two of these on the system at the ends of the returns before they drop down. One side of the system is working, the side with the broken vent is not. There are no traps on the radiators. The supplies go to the top of the radiators and the condensate rolls out of the bottom on the other end. I believe this system is supposed to operate on very low pressure. The boiler has a standard PA404 control that I turned down as far as it will go but I want to change it to a vapoprstat.

Will a Hoffman #76 Vacuum Vent work on this system?

If not what is recommended?


  • JStar
    JStar Member Posts: 2,752

    This vapor system should not operate above 5 ounces of pressure. 3oz should be your cut-out. A Vaporstat is a necessity here.

    I would install a bunch of Gorton 2's or thermostatic traps on the returns for venting.