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Near Boiler Piping concept

   Hay all.  I am looking for your honest pinions with regard to a new product I have developed.  It is not available yet but I am pushing hard to get some traction to bring it to market.  Please take a few minutes to view the video.  If you don't understand the internals and how things work inside look closely at the animation in the beginning of the video.  This may give you a better idea of how things work internally.  The device has been tested and the concept works exceptionally well.  Keep in mind the device is a module that can be configured into many different hydraulic situations and is not limited to what you see in the video.  The main theme here is this device allows you to build reliable and very efficient  pumping systems very very quickly while eliminating a lot of piping and other components.   Thanks for your time and your comments are greatly appreciated.   Kevin Koenig.

  <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnamisXKYP4&feature=plcp">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnamisXKYP4&feature=plcp</a>


  • Gordy
    Gordy Member Posts: 9,546
    edited November 2012

    What if a system requires a different sizing of circulator? Is the hydronicude designed solely around this type of circulator, or are different designs possible? Unique concept
  • Kevin Koenig_4
    Kevin Koenig_4 Member Posts: 36

    Gordy.  The concept could be built around any pump.  The pump in the video is an ECM variable speed  pump so it can be dialed into many different curves or differential pressures.  Here is a link that may describe the pump curve better.

        If you could pick any one pump on the market and get it with this body what would be your first choice ?   Thanks for your input.  Kevin
  • kcopp
    kcopp Member Posts: 4,462
    edited November 2012
    Very interesting...

    is this available now? Looking for a few test sites? I would love to try it.
  • Paul48
    Paul48 Member Posts: 4,469

    I'm having some trouble seeing hydraulic seperation. I see the unique features, but using the same theory,you could use standard wet rotor circulators off a large manifold and achieve seperation. That's not the case.
  • Kevin Koenig_4
    Kevin Koenig_4 Member Posts: 36

    Its Not available yet kcopp. With some luck sometime next year. As for Separation Paul48. I dont understand your question. Could you elaborate a bit more and I will do my best to answer your question. K..
  • SWEI
    SWEI Member Posts: 7,356

    Interesting concept.

    Do you have more than one set of hydraulics planned for the pump?  Not all loops are the same. 

    Is this a micro-pump that's designed to handle just a single zone?

    Do you have an external control interface to the pump, or just on-off control?

  • Gordy
    Gordy Member Posts: 9,546
    edited November 2012
    To me

    I see this as a low loss header with circulators. Hydraulic separation should be the same as such. I like the shut offs for circulator maintenance. Those circs could be turned 90*' or 180* from each other correct Kevin, and still achieve separation with out disturbance to flow. As swei points out some loops may have different requirements than others especially if you are going to adapt to an existing design by another installer done eons ago. Other wise with a new system the world is your oyster.
  • Kevin Koenig_4
    Kevin Koenig_4 Member Posts: 36

       SWEI.  Here http://documentlibrary.xylemappliedwater.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/22/files/2012/08/6-71-075-110A.pdf  is a link to the IOM of the pump used on the first Hydronicube model.

    The intent was to select a circulator that was very versatile.  As you can see from the IOM the pump curve is well suited for building  systems in the 150,000btuh and down range.      Keep in mind that the intent of the device is to offer you a tool that will allow you to build small hydronic pumping system very quickly and eliminate a lot of stuff.             i.e    Fittings, split ring hangers, air separators and additional piping.  As well as eliminate a lot of labor usually associated with what I refer to as stick building a system.  The system in the video can be built in about an hour.  Stick building the same circuitry  with a conventional flanged circulator would probably take as long as four hours and require a lot more parts.    I also selected a pump that was very energy efficient.    This pump wont fit every application but it tackles the mainstream well.    Kevin 
  • SWEI
    SWEI Member Posts: 7,356

    I thought that impeller looked familiar.  It's a good pump - and they do make two sizes (e3-4 and e3-6 in B&G speak) but the volutes are different.

    The use of zone pumps on all but the largest of systems has declined precipitously over the past few years thanks to the low head loss of fire-tube heat exchangers and the affordability of smart circulators.  The market might be smaller than you think.
  • Kevin Koenig_4
    Kevin Koenig_4 Member Posts: 36
    More than two curves

    The link above shows the curves of the pump used on the model. It is available in proportional pressure as well as manually set speed control. It runs in the range of 10-55 watts. If it were a single pump system with zone valves it may vary well be installed as seen in the cast boiler detail shown near the end of the video using the Auto version. the install is Very quick and compact. It is rare to see a new hydronic system with less than two or three pumps in this area of the country . We are seeing a slight uptick in the use of zone valves but still a lot of pumps in the mix. Building these systems is time consuming. This is where this device is intended to shine. Including zone valves. K.
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