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New roofing system for energy efficiency

Leo_G Member Posts: 89
Looks very interesting

<a href="http://www.ornl.gov/info/press_releases/get_press_release.cfm?ReleaseNumber=mr20120910-00">http://www.ornl.gov/info/press_releases/get_press_release.cfm?ReleaseNumber=mr20120910-00</a>


  • Gordy
    Gordy Member Posts: 9,546
    Shingle manufactures

    With reflective foil insulation reverberating solar gain back into the roofing I would like to see how shingle manufactures warranty their product with such a system.

    I really do not see extreme benefit. The attic is still an unconditioned space. Unless the vent area is moved to the very lowest part of the roof ice daming could be a problem also.
  • Harvey Ramer
    Harvey Ramer Member Posts: 2,261
    I'm sure it works

    good in lab tests but what happens when the the foil gets a layer of dust on it? Seems to me it would quit reflecting infared waves and start absorbing them. I've torn enough of old buildings apart to know it will get dirty and dusty.

  • VictoriaEnergy
    VictoriaEnergy Member Posts: 126
    Cannabis use at ORNL rampant?...(again?)

    I dunno but when I read:

    To address the problem, some homeowners pay $8,000 to seal the attic with spray foam, which can save upwards of $460 a year. For less initial cost and the same number of payback years, homeowners can retrofit the attic with the new design for about $2,000 and save $100 a year.

    Are they not saying the ROI on the spray foam is better at $57.50 per year per invested $1000 vs $50.00 for the new system? 

    Could you really do all that for $2K?  

    Have they ever worked in a real attic? (how do you get big sheets of foil backed Styrofoam through a typical attic access?)

    Would this be any better than spending $2k on conventional blown in insulation and attic venting measures?

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