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Munchkin Contender MC-80 on the fritz... Help!?!

NathanS Member Posts: 3
My Munchkin Contender MC-80 began misfiring about a month and a half ago. We got snowed in before the repairman could make it out to the house for a week and for several weeks after that we weren't able to get him out to look at it. He had said he didn't think the misfiring or backfiring was going to to any harm to the system and the burner plate probably just needed cleaning. To his credit he did help me temporarily repair an error over the phone by instructing me to stick a paperclip between a few wires to bypass the broken safety. (Third time we've replaced the safety in less than 2 years). When he finally made it out and openend it up the system he found the NIT burner had been completely shredded. At this poit we decided to stop using the boiler except to heat hot water since the backfiring was happening every few seconds once it heated the water to maximum temperature. A day later I get an error code while heating for hot water saying there isn't enough water pressure and to check the water pressure switch. Turns out that's busted to and my local tech helps me bypass that with ye old paperclip method.

I order the water pressure switch and the NIT burner online, not realizing this isn't a part that anybody stocks and has to be made and/or shipped from the factory or they wouldn't drop ship to my house. So I have to wait a few days for the part to be made (which still hasn't happened), 3-5 days for it to be shipped to the distributer and another 5 days for it to be shipped to our house. Or we could pay an additional 50% more the value of the part and have it expedited.... ?!? What?!? Sadly I cannot afford to pay that so my family goes without regular heat and hot water. Now when it backfires I'm seeing flame where the gas goes into the system around the blower. The Tech at HTP says it's probably the swirl plate, but he hasn't really seen that before. Now if I don't shut off water to and from the system when it's off there's an overflow by the supply line that goes into a 5 gallon bucket-I usually empty it once every month to 3 months-it will completely overflow and cover my basement with about a half inch of water in 45 minutes. I have a feeling my personal tech doesn't really have much insight into what's actually happening. The word Lemon comes to mind. I'm soliciting recommendations and advice. Anyone have experience with anything similar or a broken NIT burner or swirl plate or this flooding?


  • icesailor
    icesailor Member Posts: 7,265
    Quality Technical Help:

    HTP parts are not difficult to come by as is their Technical Support.

    I would crawl in a hole from embarrassment if anyone found out that I suggested to anyone to use a paper clip to by-pass a safety device.

    If you see a flame inside the burner assembly, the swirl plate is compromised and needs to be replaced. Your technician may not even knows what it is or how to replace it. If he doesn't own a digital combustion analyzer and knows how to use it, get someone else.

    This is sad. Dangerous too.
  • Steve Whitbeck
    Steve Whitbeck Member Posts: 669

    Most service personal don't know hydronics and only a few that do know how to properly diagnose and service high efficient boilers. I specialize in HTP products but am also trained in and service the other brands.

    Call HTP and find out who the local distributer is - then call them and see who they recommend for servicing your boiler in your area. Get someone good even if you have to pay him to come from another town. ( I will travel up to an hour)
  • lchmb
    lchmb Member Posts: 2,997

    in the world are you located? I would recommend shutting the system down completely until repaired. Yes it's a pain but at least you can live with the pain....I dont believe the unit is a lemon, it must be maintained properly by a certified trained tech each year. Sound's like your's is missing this part.
  • NathanS
    NathanS Member Posts: 3
    Responses Appreciated

    I am located in Duvall, Washington.

    Thank you for your replies and advice. I e-mailed HTP and am waiting for a response. I also got the number for the regional sales rep to locate a local certified tech. If there are any on the site in my area (Eastside, Northend of Seattle) please get a hold of me through the thread.
  • NathanS
    NathanS Member Posts: 3
    Responses Appreciated

    I am located in Duvall, Washington.

    Thank you for your replies and advice. I e-mailed HTP and am waiting for a response. I also got the number for the regional sales rep to locate a local certified tech. If there are any on the site in my area (Eastside, Northend of Seattle) please get a hold of me through the thread.
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