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ProPress vs NIBCO vs Xpress

RogerW Member Posts: 1
I did some digging on The Wall, most posts regarding these competing systems are from 2007 or earlier.  My question really pertains to the 2-1/2" to 4" fitting sizes.  Viega uses a stainless steel grip ring, whereas NIBCO and Elkhart do not have this ring.  Viega reps would like us to require the grip ring, which would appear to eliminate NIBCO and Elkhart from competition.  Is the grip ring REALLY necessary, or just a way for Viega to differentiate itself from the other guys?

Thanks for your help and responses!


  • MIke_Jonas
    MIke_Jonas Member Posts: 209
    Pipe dope

    If you ask "what pipe dope is best?", twenty people will answer with twenty different answers and twenty different ways to do things.

    Each person has a particular brand of dope and tape and style of sealing fittings that works best for them, in what they do (not all the same). The pipe dope and tape I use has never failed me, so I do not want to try anything new. Trying something new might not work and I don't want to "un-pipe" something to fix a leak, when what I have and what I do, does not leak.

    I have used ProPress for years, all sizes. Never had a leak. Why would I ever try another brand of press fit? Only to save money, as far as I can tell. I have to look at the money saved (and trying something new at a customers house, would you want your house to be my test lab?) and compare the money saved to the cost of fixing it if it doesn't work like the stuff I know works.

    The guys that use ProPress will swear by it. The guys that use the other stuff will swear by that. It might boil down to who is in your area and what support they offer.

    I tried ProPress in my house first, then my Mom's house (god love her) and that's all I ever use and all I recommend, to those that ask.
  • bb_5
    bb_5 Member Posts: 15
    Look at the tools

    ProPress XL fittings and the Xpress large diameter fittings can use the same set of rings to press.  However, Viega  is trying to switch to the XL-C (wrot copper fittings) that uses a different ring kit.  Both of these tools are easy to use.

    Look @ NIBCOs tool.  Unless it has changed recently it is not as easy to use and a little more cumpersome.

    All of these fittings are manufactured to the same standards.

    I would check to see what your supply house stocks.  Having ample inventory available should be a factor in your choice. 

    see if you can get a demo of all of your options and select the one you are more comfortable with.
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