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Ransom for the Worst Install

Tesla Member Posts: 4
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz--bbFK0YM">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz--bbFK0YM</a>

So when do I get my check?

I get x-tra kudo points because my great-grandfather was THE original Dead-Man. Steam heating engineer / NYC Cooper Union circa. 1900 a.d. Last name Harris

I'll settle for a Dead-Man's baseball cap in a small childs size for my son, who swings a 24 inch steel pipe wrench at three with a fury.


  • zacmobile
    zacmobile Member Posts: 211

    I think he said 'ya know' about 397 times. I lost it at the end when he said 'and since I have gas,it's mainly just bad air goin outa there'

  • Mark Eatherton
    Mark Eatherton Member Posts: 5,853
    I couldn't hear the audio...

    bit it doesn't matter. I hope to God they have CO detectors throughout the sleeping area.

    And it is a good thing that physical addresses are not connected to internet posts, or this guy would have a bunch of people knocking on his door...

    Welcome to the Wall. Tell us more about your Great Grandfather. We LOVE historical information here.


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