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A BIG Thank You to Mr. Tim McElwain

MikeB70 Member Posts: 2
Hello, I joined this forum looking for help. I got that help from <strong>Mr. Tim McElwain</strong>. I contacted him at a very inappropriate time, I still cant believe he answered.  But in 5 min. he solved my problem and didnt ask for anything in return.  That is rare in this day and age, especially where I come from, Brooklyn, NY!  <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart and will never forget him!!!</span></strong> I will post the simple question and answer in the appropriate area, and hope it helps someone as much as it helped, check that, saved me from a fathers fury.

P.S. I will leave it up to the site administrators to edit or remove as they see fit.


Mike from Brooklyn



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