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What did we ...

bill nye_3
bill nye_3 Member Posts: 307
What did we learn this week ?

 I learned that you never leave your tools in the customers basement when you go for parts. He assured me that the basement door would be unlocked. Just by habit he locked it when he closed it, only had to pick up daughter at school and run an errand.  One-1/2 hour later (as I waited in truck) "All done yet ? " he says, I'm like , Dude, you locked me out! Oh, sorry man. Older customers are worse, they fall asleep in the chair and a bomb wouldn't wake them.

Thursday I was in a house that was cleaner than a hospital, not a crumb out of place. I get nervous working in such nice houses. I had to drill two holes through a nice , nice wood floor. You only get one chance. I had no pilot bit. Nice houses Never have metal coat hangers, just wood or plastic. I tore my truck apart looking for something.

I was about to give up and then I found a pair of 11" Carlin electrodes. Eureka, I broke the porcelain off, straightened the tip, and, the perfect pilot bit! Two holes in the right place, no drama. Sometimes you just gotta' do what you gotta' do.


  • Ron Jr._3
    Ron Jr._3 Member Posts: 603
    Force of habit

    We get locked out of home all the time , usually with customer inside at least :) More often we have customers shut the lights out when they walk back up the stairs or through hallways . Just another habit .

    What I learned this week is try to call in sick if you have a boiler and indirect replacement in a 2nd floor attic ! Ever try to get a 600 lb boiler in a tin pan on top of 4 inch blocks in a 4 foot pitched attic ? I hope I never do again !
  • JK_3
    JK_3 Member Posts: 240
    I learned

    That although I have been in this business for 30+ years , I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

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  • bill nye_3
    bill nye_3 Member Posts: 307
    Ron Jr

    I think getting the 4" blocks to the 2nd floor attic would wear me out!
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