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Burnham V8 Problems

Andi Member Posts: 1
Can anyone share some ideas about our Burnham V8 Series boiler which keeps shutting off?  It shuts down about every two days (used to be much more intermittent).  It's easiest enough to press the reset button and get it going again but I'm worried with not being here in winter and it shuts down.  We've already had a major flooding issue when the pipes broke one winter after it died.  Contractor doesn't seem to be able to nail down this problem.  Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.


  • tim_20
    tim_20 Member Posts: 41
    more info

    What reset are you hitting and what fuel are you using? That way people will have more info to go one.
  • nicholas bonham-carter
    nicholas bonham-carter Member Posts: 8,578
    reset button needs pushing

    the only resets i can think of on a steam boiler of that size are the low water cut off [lwco], and a secondary pressuretrol. can you describe the box, with the reset button?

    over pressure could be the cause of either, perhaps from a clogged pigtail, which should have been inspected, and cleaned at the annual service. what may be happening is the water in the returns stacking up so high due to the over pressure, that the boiler is temporarily starved of water. if you were watching the boiler during a prolonged firing, you might see the water level in the glass tube of the sight glass getting lower and lower, finally tripping the lwco. you might also see the needle of the gauge moving above 2 psi which should be the maximum. see what you can observe soon, and tell us so we may advise.--nbc
  • billtwocase
    billtwocase Member Posts: 2,385
    I would say

    it is an oil fired, forced hot water boiler. I think it may be time to find another service company, and at the least, invest in a temp monitor for the home. It will save you a freeze up or more
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