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Steam Boiler Water Main break

mcguicm Member Posts: 2
Just moved to Denver and new to boilers. There was a main water main break near our house a few days ago. Causing dirty water. A couple days go by and our furnaces are making popping sounds much louder then normal, go to the boiler and a very small leak has occurred.

Any Ideas of the possible problem. Had  heating guy out here to check it when we bought the house. We asked him about bleeding it. He said our unit did not have a bleeding valve on it.


  • Rod
    Rod Posts: 2,067
    Steam Boiler Problems

    Hi- Has water been added to the boiler since the water main break?  Steam boilers use very little water so if you are adding a water regularly it is a sign of other problems. Where is the leak you mentioned located ? You might post some pictures as they are always a big help.

    Not quite sure what you are referring to by "bleeding it"

    Since you are new to steam heating i would recommend you get a book availlable in the Shop section of this website. It's called, "We Got Steam Heat!".  It's written for the homeowner new to steam heating. It's easy humorous reading and in an evening or two will put your knowledge of residential steam systems light years ahead.  Here's a link to the book:


    - Rod
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