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cast rad with left hand thread

ecletrical Member Posts: 22
I need a source of left hand bushings for a cast rad.


  • icesailor
    icesailor Member Posts: 7,265
    LH Threads:

    Why do you need a left handed  bushing? Are you trying to connect something together without a union? If it's a bushing in a radiator that has a left handed thread, can't you just remove the LH bushing and put a RH bushing in?
  • ecletrical
    ecletrical Member Posts: 22
    left hand thread

    I don't understand what you mean. What ever goes in this pipe thread, bush, nipple, tightens counter clockwise.
  • ecletrical
    ecletrical Member Posts: 22
    left hand thread

    I don't understand what you mean. What ever goes in this pipe thread, bush, nipple, tightens counter clockwise.
  • icesailor
    icesailor Member Posts: 7,265
    LH Thread

    I don't understand where this left handed thread is. The only place I have ever heard of a left handed thread on a radiator is on very old column radiators. They use a left and right threaded nipple to pull the sections. Did you somehow manage to get an old radiator apart and you are dealing with this?

    I'm just trying to understand why you need a left handed threaded fitting.
  • ecletrical
    ecletrical Member Posts: 22
    yes, this is an old cast sectional column rad.

    I'm not dealing with the LH-RH nipples used to pull the sections together. In the last section, the one with feet, there are 2 - 1 1/2" female fittings side by side at the bottom; both appear to be left hand. Now maybe it wasn't a good day, and I didn't have any 1 1/2 mipt fittings to try it; but just tracing the threads seem that they're LH. Next time I'm at the site I'll really take note. Until I get back there, Is this a possibility?
  • Radiator Ranger
    Radiator Ranger Member Posts: 81
    LH Bushings on C/I Radiators


    I've run into LH bushings on one side / end of wall hung radiators (see attached wall hung example). I have not found a source for LH bushings, but I know they exist since I've pulled them while prepping old radiators for our system.

    A good machine shop could likely make a custom bushing for you.

    Good luck!

    Gwen Healy

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Oak Park Electric
    Oak Park Electric Member Posts: 54
    Southpaw threads

    *IF*  that rad port is really left threaded, Mc Master sells right to left nipples from 1/8 to 2" and 4, 6, and 12" lengths. At least that way you could get it back to something usable on the end.  Somehow I doubt it's really a leftie, but if it is please post a picture of the rad and the connections.  It's all about learning new things here.
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