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Boiler shuts off

Boiler Member Posts: 1
Hi, I hace a gas boiler and it seems to be shutting off every few days.  Its pretty old and i have a thermostate that regulates the tempurater throughout the day.  The problem seems to come ever few days when i come home from work in the after noons when the thermostate goes to its lowest setting 62 degres.  When i get home from work the temperature is only about 64 (it should be up to 70) and if i go downstairs and look at it the main water tank temperature is about 65 degrees.  However if i hit the pressure valuve the water heater kicks on and the temp goes back up to 180 where it is set to.  What could be cause the problem. 

Thanks for the help



  • Al Letellier_21
    Al Letellier_21 Member Posts: 402
    boiler shutting down

    The description you provide is lacking proper information to make a diagnosis here. What do you mean by pressure valve?  Is this steam or hot water? What kind of boiler are we dealing with?

    As always, the best advice we can give you is to get a heating pro to take a look. Gas is nothing to fool around with and if you are having problems on the gas side, you defiinitely need some professional assistance.

    If you have a steam system and the pressure valve you are talking about is the pressure controller and it takes a hit to get it going, the pipe tube connecting it to the boiler is partially plugged and needs cleaning. In any case, get a pro in there.
  • World Plumber
    World Plumber Member Posts: 389
    T-stat setting

         Are you saying the t-stat is calling for 62 and it is 65 in the house? Do you have a programmable t-stat? If the t-stat is set to 62 that is the temperature  the system will try to maintain. I that case check the programing it may be setting back to far one day of the program.

          Not sure what you mean by hit the pressure valve!

    If the thermostat is calling for 62 I would expect the boiler not to come on until the temperature in the house was slightly less than 62.
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