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Triangle Tube 110 no heat help!

pipe4zen Member Posts: 108
A new TT Solo 110 installed over the summer.

Everything working fine until yesterday after a brief power outage.

Boiler control board is on, but shows 0xxx , indicating boiler is ready and current

boiler temperature.

Thermostats go thru Taco pump relay box, zones are calling for heat , circulators are on and running, X1 and X2 go to TT terminals 7&8, but still boiler does not fire.

What is weird is the Smart 40 tank aqustat also goes thru Taco pump relay and boiler does come on until satisfied, yet after heat zones call again still get no boiler firing sequence.

Again this all started after power outage, before heat and DHW worked great.

Any info much appreciated if someone has run across this.


  • Jason_25
    Jason_25 Member Posts: 22
    t-stat closed?

    Are you sure terminals 7 & 8 are closed? Try putting a jumper between them - the control isn't recognizing a call for heat. If boiler fires the problem is external to boiler. 
  • pipe4zen
    pipe4zen Member Posts: 108

    As of yesterday heat was working 7 & 8 wires are not loose , but I did not jump them. Regargless, since DHW call fires boiler and goes thru x1 and x2 of pump relay box to 7 & 8 it can't be external, I think??
  • tim smith
    tim smith Member Posts: 2,800
    Re TT110 not firing

    I take from your description you have hot water? Boiler fires when dhw calls for heat?
  • tim smith
    tim smith Member Posts: 2,800
    edited December 2010
    Re TT problem

    Dhw call should not be going to 7/8 I am pretty sure. Try jumping 7/8 and see if it fires boiler with a heat call on. Looked it up, dhw is 11 & 12 otherwise if you were energizing 7/8 for hot water it would be running at a reset temp as heating does.
  • pipe4zen
    pipe4zen Member Posts: 108
    No boiler reset

    Not using the boiler reset, rather an ODR control on a motorized mixing valve for the heat zones.

    Boiler CH is fixed temp. Running all control wiring thru a pump relay, so as far as DHW call aquastat goes thru T1 & T2 on pump relay and C1 and C2 for DHW pump, priority on , nothing is connected to the boiler's 11 and 12 terminals, as well as 120V supply for DHW pump in boiler.

    So on a call, any call for heat or DHW the boiler should be activated by 7 & 8 terminals.

    As stated before all worked ok for past three months , until now.

    I will try some things out today.

  • EricAune
    EricAune Member Posts: 432
    Relay control

    Try removing the thermostats and jumper one to see if the relay closes and the boiler starts. If so, its the thermostat.

    If not, check the x1 & x2 to see if they close when the jumper is in place.  If not, its likely the relay.  If you have the replaceable cube type then you can just swap it out with a new one, if it is not replaceable then your board will need replaced. 

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • NRT_Rob
    NRT_Rob Member Posts: 1,013
    why would you ever do that

    you are losing a lot of modulation ability with that setup.

    Check your low water cutoff. Have heard of some going bad recently.
    Rob Brown
    Designer for Rockport Mechanical
    in beautiful Rockport Maine.
  • pipe4zen
    pipe4zen Member Posts: 108
    brown out kit

    Talked to TT there is a PSRKIT 36 kit which is an add on for power interuptions available.

    I will add that next week.

    The pump relay board also had some problems, even after switching the ice cube relays x-x was not closing 7-8 to TT. Replaced it all ok now.

    Thanks again
  • Fortunat
    Fortunat Member Posts: 103
    doesn't sound like a boiler problem to me

    I agree with rob that this is kind of a nutty way to set up this boiler, but if one zone succcesfully gets the boiler going and the others don't, it isn't a boiler problem but something external.

    I'd suspect the zone control box. Is the DHW zone wired to a 'priority' zone? try turning that off? perhaps that function got zapped and is now stuck on (which interrupts the call from all the other zones even though the DHW is satisfied).

    Though we have had some LWCO issues recently with TT (including here at my house), that doesn't sound like what this is, because the bad LWCO throws an error code (B128, i think).  That is one of the things I love about this boiler...it does a pretty good job of self diagnosing problems.

    good luck


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