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its 5 degrees outside(an old service guys rant)

Coany Member Posts: 91
its 5 degrees outside, the onslaught is here, all the training, all the preparation has come down to this day and its gonna be a hell of one.



 I have seen so many young talented techs damage their reputation by doing this.

You think no one will notice... everyone will .. and make judgements.

its game day .. show up with your cleats on.... ready to run an gun  

you will win respect that will never come from doing well in meetings.

when I look around at 7 oclock its always the 50 year old 30 years experience guys still going. All the young hot-shots with all their hi-tech knowledge have slithered off, come down with some family emergency or even flimsyier ****-ache.

In a crisis peoples true character is revealed

it become clear who is running the place

and who is running for cover.

the boss knows, even if he doesn't say a word about it.

if you call in sick on a 5 degree day , your unreliable.. period.

this is the kind of rep that sticks to you and is damn hard to erase.

I apolgize to any who may be offended.

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  • Al Letellier_21
    Al Letellier_21 Member Posts: 402
    it's cold out

    No apology needed Coaney.....it's the truth. Attended a seminar awhile back by NAOHSM about the generation gap and why it's so tough to get the younger guys to get involved and take a little pride in their careers, and one thing stuck out that I will always remember........us older guys are a different breed, because we live to work......the younger set works to live, showing up and getting paycheck so they can live and play the way they want......I know this is a generalized statement and that there are some very good younger guys out there, but they are in the minority.

    What has become wrong with taking pride in our profession. We are as important ot our customers comfort and security in their homes as anyone, and I so used to enjoy the feeling of being considered a hero when I fixed someone's heat at 2 AM......Being a former service manager, I have experienced help like what you describe, and I couldn't agree more.

    Have a great day, my friend.
  • Mark Eatherton
    Mark Eatherton Member Posts: 5,852
    When the going gets tough...

    the TOUGH get going... And the chickens stay home to roost.

    I believe these kids have been tagged the Y generation (post x geners), but I think it should be the WHY generation. They keep asking themselves, "Why should I work for YOU?"

    Times, they are a changin'. They don't make'em like they use to.


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  • MIke_Jonas
    MIke_Jonas Member Posts: 209

    Are you saying you want them to come in sick, anyway??

    I'd like to hear from the homeowners that read this...

    How many of you want a sick tech in your house?
  • eluv8
    eluv8 Member Posts: 174
    Tough get going, couldnt be more true

    I am not old by any account but I am no young'in either. Seems like the WhY generation is more interested in video games and the fantasy world rather than achieving real success in the real world these days.

     When things get tough they stay home, because they know that the real world workers will get the job done. "Besides I'm not sure it's what I want to do for the rest of my life anyhow so what the heck, right."

    Additionally there seems to be very little accountability these days, and workmans comp and lawsuits abound making employers gun-shy to even let a borderline employee go. You can sue anybody for anything and often times these days you can find an attorney that will Represent you for next to nothing up front  if not free for a cut of the winnings.
  • Al Letellier_21
    Al Letellier_21 Member Posts: 402
    calling in sick

    No offense intended Mike, but did you really miss the point of this discussion? Being sick has little to do with it....what's being referred to here is copping out....as mentioned in the other post, when the going gets tough, the weak cop out...calling in sick is just an excuse for some to avoid paying the price of being a true professional. Certainly a sick person should stay home, but this isn't what we are talking about.....not by a long shot!!
  • Coany
    Coany Member Posts: 91
    what I'm saying is...

    the urge to avoid a hellish day with one phone call is strong,

    its strong for all of us,

     don't give in to that feeling or you will damage your reputation

    learn to like the busy days

    be the calmest one,

    keep your head down and pump it out,

     don't pick today to complain or ask for much

    you will win true respect form your co-workers and your bosses and your customers

    the kind of respect that sticks.

    the customers will be panicking

    the boss will be short tempered

    the calm hard-working professional service tech is better than gold on a 5 degree day.

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  • Coany
    Coany Member Posts: 91
    you reminded me of the nuns

    I once did a no heat call in the wee hours at a convent

    all the nuns were up waiting for me

    I did the call and was getting the slip signed

    the head nun told me they had all been praying for me while they waited.

    I drove away feeling on top of the world

    Imagine a bunch of nuns praying for a rotten **** like me!

    It made me feel so good I remember it all these years later,

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  • MikeOBrien
    MikeOBrien Member Posts: 7
    I Ain't No Chicken!

    Granted I've never been someones' HERO @ 2 a.m. (Other than my wife!), but is that really what you live for?  I'm not sure if I'm Gen x or why, but I do know that I work to LIVE!  Al, you might be a different breed, but that kind of rationale makes you sound like a career "yes" man!  I can appreciate your dedication to your customers, but come on.    Now those that know me, know that I'm no slouch so I'm saying this as one of the guys with a strong work ethic.  Do we not work to be able to afford our lives?  Not, stay alive to be able to go to work!

    I'm new round' here but I figured I'd jump in with both feet!

    Actually I've been reading posts for awhile.
  • Mark Eatherton
    Mark Eatherton Member Posts: 5,852
    It has to do with work ethic....

    and work ethic is not something that can be instilled in people when they get older.

    I've met Mike O's dad, and know that his parents raised them with a great deal of work ethic. THAT is what make them different.

    Having worked with Mike O for nearly 2 months last summer, and more recently for two straight weeks, I can tell you that he does not follow the norm.

    Welcome aboard Mike! You are a definite rarity amongst your peers.

    BTW, Mrs McD LOVES her new system ;-)

    She flew into town just to check it out ;-)


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  • Coany
    Coany Member Posts: 91
    Younger techs should look at cold weather as an opportunity

    I surely have seen junior apprentices who know next to nothing

     knock everybody out by working their **** off on a day

     when the organization really needed them.

    EVERYBODY thinks to themselves

    "This kid might just be the real thing"

     you jump ahead several places by doing this.

    you want to impress you boss, your co-workers?

    You want some real leverage the next time your negotiating

     for a raise? A newer truck?

    be a rock of professionalism on a very cold day.

    On truly cold days a  heating company can become a very very stressful place.

    The boss needs to know he can count on you when it hits the fan.

    This I can guarantee you he will remember.

    of course it is also an opportunity for the 30 year guys(me) to remind everyone exactly

    why I make more $, get that new truck, and generally have the bosses trust.

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  • Al Letellier_21
    Al Letellier_21 Member Posts: 402
    work ethic

    What I was trying to say is that it's not about living to be someone's hero, its about accepting the responsibililty of being an employee.....we are, after all, a service business. We need to be there when our customers call for help. We need to accept the fact that we will get called out after hours, in all kinds of weather for all kinds of problems that our customer expect us to fix. I have been a service manager and have had my own business. I have been literally on call 24-7-365 for more years than I can remember. But that's part of the job and what I have to accept and live with if I want to be successful in this business. I've interviewed younger tech who ask: "do I have to wear a pager or carry a cell phone for business?" : "Do I have to take call?"; Do you require that we work late if needed?".......why are they in this business? In my book, they are looking for a job that accomodates their lifestyle. We older guys built our life style around our work schedule and had some dedication to our employers.........of course today loyalty seems to be missing a lot on both sides of the fence.

    Great input guys !!!
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