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Ultra 230 MCBA problem

Robert O'Brien
Robert O'Brien Member Posts: 3,556
Series 2 Ultra 230 blows the F1 fuse instantly. The Weil manual doesn't go into much detail and  Weil tech support was  already closed  until next Monday when I called at 2PM Eastern today. I need to get a job there! TIA
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  • Glenn Harrison_2
    Glenn Harrison_2 Member Posts: 845
    Checked Control Suppliment

    Robert, I was looking through the on-line manuals, and found in the Control Supplement, on page 22, it states if F1 is blown, check all internal wiring for shorts or defects. If all wiring checks out, then replace control.

    I do know that one of those fuses protects the pump circuit, but I don't remember which one.

    I would unplug the high voltage to the combustion blower, and the pumps, and then replace the fuse. If it still blows, then your pretty well guaranteed the board is bad. If it doesn't blow, then test the pumps with an ohm  meter for shorts, then power the pump from an extension cord. If the pumps check out OK, then your combustion blower is shorted.

    Control Supplement:


  • Robert O'Brien
    Robert O'Brien Member Posts: 3,556

    I fixed it X-mas Eve,it was a bad primary pump.Have to say I'm disappointed with Weil,had the control manual in my hand and all it did was make me waste time looking for a new control board.I called them at 2PM Eastern on Wed,got the closed until Monday voice mail.If you sell boilers and are planning on taking a 4 day weekend in the winter,is it too much to ask to  work a full day on Wed? Not to mention another 4 day weekend next week!
    To learn more about this professional, click here to visit their ad in Find A Contractor.
  • Mark Eatherton
    Mark Eatherton Member Posts: 5,852
    Or at least have the courtesy...

    to have a cell phone number for emergencies.

    It is so easy to pass "the football" from employee to employee, and that way, people like Robert are not out there holding the bag, waiting for an answer, with an irate customer.

    What ever happened to true "Customer Service"???

    And you KNOW that they, like anyone else in this business read the Wall on a regular basis. I guess they just plain and simply don't want or need your business that bad...


    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Glenn Harrison_2
    Glenn Harrison_2 Member Posts: 845
    How about a little more detail in the manuals too!!!!

    The reason I knew one of those fuses was for the pumps is because I had one the exact scenario you did. But since the manual doesn't specifically list what each fuse does, other then the blurb about the F1, I had to call WM to find out what the fuse protected. New fuse, new pump, all was well.

    This was a few years ago, so I don't remember which fuse it was, must have been F1.
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