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Gordon Piatt

If installing the burner on the hill was bad, this one had to have been worse! There is only about 18" between the right side of the boiler and the concrete wall. I still can't believe you were able to fit the gas train together in that space. You must be very thin!

<IMG width="600" src="http://forums.invision.net/Attachment.cfm?Img%5F0703.jpg&CFApp=2&Attachment_ID=36226">

Do you recall what type of burners were installed before you replaced them with the G/Ps?

I dont know if you ever saw this posting from December, but if you did I am sure you would have remembered the installation:

<p> <a href="http://forums.invision.net/Index.cfm?CFApp=2&Message_ID=428303" </p>Boiler Piped for Reverse Flow<a/>



  • Henry
    Henry Member Posts: 998
    Gordon Piatt

    I just heard that they closed the plant. These were some of thebest burners out there! I spec them on every installation.
  • bert
    bert Member Posts: 50

    I heard yesterday, last day or mfgr to be June 1, 2009
  • oil-2-4-6-gas
    oil-2-4-6-gas Member Posts: 641

    got the memo last week --i haven't installed any --but we service plenty of them, time to stock up some parts
  • oil246gas,

    What parts would you recommend stockpiling? Most of the controls and sensors seem to be standard off the shelf parts. I am running three S1O.9 dual fuel burners in a co-op complex and hope to keep them in service for years to come.

    oil246gas are you located in Westchester?

  • Are they just closing the Gordon Piatt factory, or is John Zink completely going out of business?

    Can't find much info on what is going on.
  • oil-2-4-6-gas
    oil-2-4-6-gas Member Posts: 641

    yes Westchester --the proprietary parts sensors,motors are off the shelf items but blower wheels,cams,jackshafts,diffusers,pilot assy will be a problem these are definetly not common service parts but i have ran into all of these parts that needed to be replaced --different jobs =========================================just like some of the old Ray rotary parts i had ,and tube sets from relays --they were great investments
  • oil246gas

    Please send me an email. mike dot kusiak at att dot net. I have tried contacting you with the email you have listed here, but the messages keep getting returned as undeliverable.

    In the future, I may be looking for someone local to service these G/P burners.
  • Rich Kontny_3
    Rich Kontny_3 Member Posts: 562
    Any hard articles

    To verify this ? It seems like a rumor with little hard proof. If it is true Gordan Piatt will be missed. I
    installed many retrofit units (gas/oil) combinations in the seventies.

    No manufacturers are immune during this slowdown.Looks like GM is heading toward bankruptcy also. What well known brands and products will be eliminated there?
  • Josh_10
    Josh_10 Member Posts: 787

    Gordon-Piatt in my humble opinion will be bought by someone else like they always have and live to fight another day. Just too good of a burner for someone not to pick it up.

    I'm sure the Koch brothers dropped them because they failed to turn less than a 60%GPM. Thats the way fortune 500 companies operate.
  • RonWHC
    RonWHC Member Posts: 232
    Zink is now

    part of another holding company. Their notification to reps is G/P is dead 5/1/09. They'll honor orders placed before that date, w/ attached check. Kinda mysterious as to whether they'll continue to provide parts, or shut it down when existing supply is gone. Their rep in our area has already grabbed Webster.

    Knew something was up when they declined to test on Weil's 88 Series 2. We switched when G/P moved to Tulsa & their quality control died. Lots of former G/P folks stayed in Kansas. Maybe they can pick up the pieces.
  • oil-2-4-6-gas
    oil-2-4-6-gas Member Posts: 641

    Mike K.

    i think i installed your burners a few years ago -- i forgot about that install and i ran into another -- gas only i did install but that was on a sectional so that doesn't count--- i thought i didnt install any --yours was a retrofit on small scotch marines
  • Yes!

    Somehow I had a feeling you might have been involved with the installation. You really did a super job retrofitting these burners, given the really tight space constraints. Despite poor to nonexistant maintenance since, they are still humming along 9 years later.
  • oil-2-4-6-gas
    oil-2-4-6-gas Member Posts: 641

    i did that retro-fit --myself and my helper (day and night until they were running)------------------yes thats the 1 we had to zig-zag the gas line there was no other way to fit all the components ,without a complete shutdown of the buildings----Wow 9 years ago--i still remember some of the hurdles on that 1 ---i bet you run on gas because of the noisy high speed oil pump ---2 buildings on the riverside by the tracks and 1 across the street
  • oil-2-4-6-gas
    oil-2-4-6-gas Member Posts: 641

    thats the boiler across the street and up the hill boiler room entrance door is the left side rear of the boiler, i think that 1 actually had a bathroom too
  • Exactly right!

    And yes there is a bathroom. I wish I could look at something I did 9 years ago and remember where it was to that level of detail!
  • oil-2-4-6-gas
    oil-2-4-6-gas Member Posts: 641

    the amount of time i spent making that gas line work between it and that pillar(after getting over the fact the inlet for the gas on the burner was on the other side --the fun i had with a demolition hammer removing the refractory -(they used some castable refractory instead of the standard plastic)-dealing with that pit to the right ,hanging on the rail dealing with the oil line ,the fun i had with the barometric damper right next to the door , just the amount of time i spent looking at that exact view is hard to forget --
  • oil-2-4-6-gas
    oil-2-4-6-gas Member Posts: 641

    it was interesting with the gas train --actually if you post a picture of it i can tell you exactly how i piped that --i was a little thinner then but i dont think i piped it in place --,the old burners i think were Iron Firemans --not sure but i do remember working on the first boiler room as you pull in down below --that old burner used to rattle and shake like crazy

  • OK, here is a top view of the gas train. There are no unions, only nipples between each part. It doesn't look like there is enough clearance to rotate the pressure regulator even if you assembled it all and installed it as a unit. It is hard to tell from the photo, but the edge of the regulator is only about 2" from the wall and the regulator is much taller than it is wide.


    Here is another view, more from the front.

  • oil-2-4-6-gas
    oil-2-4-6-gas Member Posts: 641

    wow ------- yeah i almost forgot about that 1 thats the boiler room down below --the southern bldg.of the 2 the supers bldg.? --that 1 the actator on the front gas valve the head comes off and with the regulator there is enough play in the vertical drop to spin that as 1 piece from the shutoff valve to the 90 after the gas valve --we used the bigger trench wrenchs at the boiler -- piped it as a whole--put it together on the floor and in the pipe vise

  • I don't know if you noticed in the photo, but someone jumped out the low gas pressure switch before the regulator. Looks like its been like that for years, judging from the layer of dust on the cover sitting on top of the regulator. I didn't see it back there until I climbed up to take the photo.

    Are there any wiring diagrams available for this burner? I downloaded the I/O manual, but there are no diagrams. Over the years, I guess all the documentation got lost. The only paperwork I could find is the Fireye stuff which was inside the control cabinet. Given enough time I can trace out all the wiring, but its a little difficult since its bundled in the wiring channels.

    Eventually I want to add a low fire hold aquastat on this boiler to keep it at minimum when it comes up from a cold start. This one (#3) has the highest heat load and normally requres a higher firing rate. The other two are able to meet the worst case heat load at minimum fire.

    The way I have them set up now, they are firing at a constant 2 cycles per hour until the outside temp drops below 10F when the cycle time becomes so long that they fire continuously.
  • oil-2-4-6-gas
    oil-2-4-6-gas Member Posts: 641

    i'm surprised we didnt put a low fire hold on there ---usually we recommend that on all installs --as for wiring diagrams i dont have those would have went either to the oil company or the super at the time --you can try to get an "as built" diagram from Zink --but really there aren't that many wires --they can be traced out ----5 wires for the mod-motor,8 wires to the gas train,3 wires to blower motor, 2 wires to oil valves, wires to the oil pump,and a limit cicuit

    For the low fire hold there may not be another tapping for an aquastat

  • There is an existing tapping on the top where the old disconnected T991 modulating control is mounted. I can probably use that tapping. Otherwise, I might just use a strap on aquastat on the return pipe right at the boiler.

    I am glad to have the Fireye diagrams since they show the connections to the mod motor to force it to low fire.
  • oil-2-4-6-gas
    oil-2-4-6-gas Member Posts: 641

    what aquastat is on the side of the boiler ? putting a stat anywhere besides the shell of the boiler would not be an ideal place for a low fire hold ---stats on the return or the supply would be better suited for other operations --wiring for the low fire hold can be done multiple ways -----

  • Aquastat locations are as follows: operating limit at about 10 o'clock, safety limit 10:30, disconnected T991 mod control 12 noon. There is also a reverse acting aquastat in the bottom supply to start timed circulation.

    None of these locations is really optimal, as mentioned earlier the boiler is piped in reverse with return entering the top of the boiler and supply taken from the bottom.

    Having the low fire hold on this one boiler would be nice but its not really critical. During normal winter operation, it will never operate cold start as it maintains setpoint temperature, firing every 30 minutes. It is only during spring and fall weather like this, where it goes into WWSD during the day that the system temp might drop enough to activate the hold.

    At this point in the heating season all three boilers are set for minimum fire anyway.
  • MikeyB
    MikeyB Member Posts: 696
    Gordon PIatt Parts

    We received a certified letter on 4/2/09 terminating our distributorship with G/P. We've been a G/P Rep. for almost 30 years. We decided to stock up on G/P OEM parts so if you need parts you can contact us at SSSparts.com ...... We knew someting "was up" but the last thing we expected was a "shutdown." My bet was a buyer of G/P, they would spin G/P off, this "shut down" just doesn't make sense. We've been approached by three other burner manufacturers to discuss distributing their equipment, we are not sure what course of action to take at this time. So far, we placed a large G/P OEM order that we expect in the next week, all parts that you can't get from vendors. Hope this helps.


  • Are you still restricted from selling G/P manufactured parts out of your territory, or since your distributorship has been terminated you can now ship anywhere?
  • EricBoilerTech
    EricBoilerTech Member Posts: 1
    Gordon Piatt

    From the information I got from some friends at GP, John Zink will stay open with the Todd and JZ burners but Koch Industries, who owns John Zink, ordered the closing of Gordon Piatt.? still unsure why.
    I have used GP exclusively on all retrofits and new installs and am now looking at Webster to fill the void. Webster is in Kansas, same town GP was started in, and have some of the GP people that didnt what to make the move after the Koch buy-out.
    I sure hope my stockpile of GP parts lasts!!!
This discussion has been closed.