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Anybody in a BNI Group

Mike Dunn
Mike Dunn Member Posts: 189
I love this concept. I have made some new friends and many business relationships. Well worth the investment of time and money.

PS If you are a plumber like me give a 60 second commercial on poop and toilets. People like that.

Mike Dunn


  • John_108
    John_108 Member Posts: 21
    BNI Groups

    Does anybody belong to a BNI Group? Pro's, Con's, Do you get good leads from the group. Thanks for any input.
  • Denny Reardon_3
    Denny Reardon_3 Member Posts: 17

    I used to be. i got a lot of leads from the real estate & insurance agent.
  • Bob Bona_4
    Bob Bona_4 Member Posts: 2,083

    and sub for other colleagues in other area towns still when asked.

    I was in for about two years about two-three years ago. I probably culled 40 or 50K of biz from it, but at the time my Mom had just came down w/ terminal cancer, and my wife was expecting our third. Meetings were at 7 am. There was just too much on the plate, I had to get the guys started everyday, and it became too burdensome.

    Good concept, and works for the right people. I totally understand the need for structure, but.., for me, it was too cult-like. Weekly attendance was mandatory or you get kicked out. It was impossible for me to find a sub. Our group was maxed at 30 people. It got stale w/o fresh faces, and the "commercials" got repetitive to the point of sounding foolish, when you saw the same people every week-it started to sound like a AA meeting :). The referral system was a little too show-offish for me.

    Sorry to be more negative than positive, but hey, you asked:)

    To each his own.
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,402
    For around 1 1/2 years up until last year

    We had 7am meetings every wednesday which was fine, but they would drag out for 3 hours sometimes. Like any other
    group, you had the main clique who were very insular, arrogant, and snobby. The guys that founded this chapter thought of themselves as demi-gods and acted accordingly. They came and went as they pleased (when regular members were chastised if we had to miss a meeting or ran late). The one guy took more than 2 months to pay me for work we did at his house...and never paid me $100 bucks that he owed me. Our group had over 35, which was considered large. We did leave with atleast 5 strong permanent contacts who we still refer and vice versa. Mostly, we got our brains picked and did ALOT of free estimates and free advice. There was one major issue that I quit the group but was begged back by a lawyer in the group whom I had a tremendous amount of respect for. She talked me back. The whole concept and in their bylaws is the fact that "...your competition will be locked out." i.e., that you will be the only plumbing/heating company. We'll, one meeting that I missed, these real creeps in the group brought in a buddy of theirs who "just did heating oil." They insisted that I!!!!!!! must sit down with him and "see" how we could "work together" in the group. They put the onus on ME to "make this work." I did not care for this. Because I make it my business to know most of what goes on in my local area, I did a little detective work and my suspicions were right. The company that "just did oil" had just purchased a competitor's shop RIGHT IN THE SAME TOWN! Instead of taking the high road and STICKING TO THEIR rules and guarantees....they made ME, tell the guy why I didn't think he belonged in the group - very dirty. The one big thing I brought out of it is that is FORCED me to come up with a tag line and 60 second sales pitch. I met a few great people, but I would NEVER do it again. I find most groups like these quite cult-like. The other thing is that is what not that cheap! I'm sure each group is different, but just keep your eyes open...and don't sign up for two years!!! (one of the creeps tried to say I really didn't want to be in the group...I shut him up when I reminded him that NO!!!! I WAS!!!! very enthusiastic when I joined...that is why I joined for two years!!!! - he put his head down and wouldn't answer me. Mad Dog

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  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,402
    Just to add.....

    I joined becuase an electrician friend of mine had joined and we do a good deal together. He was just starting out and liked the leads. My whole focus when I went in was to REALLY focus on energy efficiency and the Green technologies. It did give me a forum to really develop my Green-side and namely, selling it. If one goes in with a focus like that, one could come out with some quality leads. Mad Dog

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