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Cash Jobs.

The Boiler Dr.
The Boiler Dr. Member Posts: 163
"Will you do it "on the side for cash?" This is usually by someone who is fully aware I am a one man shop!
My standard comeback is "Absolutely, as soon as you pay my WCB,liabilty insurance,fuel cost, tool cost, transportation, health coverage and anything else I might require to arrive at your door for your cash donation. Oh BTW did your employer give you your cash today so you can pass it on to me?"
After they get over the shock of that statement I try to elicit an explanation as to how accepting "cash under the table" will actually benefit me. The "logical reply" often astounds me!
I have been shown the door a few times but I consider that an advantage as that person's has also wanted to give me the cash on Friday. You know... the one that never comes!


  • Not sure

    about the US of A, but up here we have a tax people have HATED to pay for almost 20 yrs now.
    I always follow the std. business practice and do what I`m supposed to,, but it`s frustrating when many others do not.

    I frequently get asked "how much for cash",, to which I respond "its all cash to me, put-in my business account".

    How do you fellows handle customers who expect you to be tax-dodgers?

    On second thought,,,maybe an Email would be better.

  • nicholas bonham-carter
    nicholas bonham-carter Member Posts: 8,578
    cash customers

    at some point the installers who do a cash only business will have to come clean, when the size of the job makes it impossible to slide under the financial table. there are some people who do business on a barter system-how does the tax work if you do the boiler, and he does your roof?nbc
  • Mark Hunt_6
    Mark Hunt_6 Member Posts: 147
    No different here Dave

    and I handled it the same as you. It was ALL cash to me and it was all reported.

    The only person that stands to lose anything in that type of deal is the contractor.

    You can never get in trouble obeying the law.

    Mark H
  • MIke_Jonas
    MIke_Jonas Member Posts: 209
    down here

    nobody wants to pay any kind of tax either! (same the world over, eh?)

    My service/repair calls are cash/check/credit card. No discount for cash.

    For my installs, my quote states that price listed is for cash or check only. I tell them to contact me if they want to pay with a cc. Usually 4 % more, depending on card. Most will pay by check to save a few bucks.

    I do not offer discount for cash, I tell customers it all goes into the bank anyway, which is true. The material costs me the same, and the skills I bring to the job are the same, regardless of payment type.

    Some think paying with cash will get them a cheaper price, because I won't claim it as income, but I do. EVERY job, big or small.

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
  • NB-C

    Roof?,,, I prefer to pay for mine,, above-board.
    I prefer you to pay for your heating,, above-board.
    Had guy`s in pizzerias want to pay in food.
    Try going to the mortgage co. and saying "I can`t pay you, but I can roof your house, or give you all you can eat,,, if you like pizza".

    Be out on my butt!

  • Wayne_16
    Wayne_16 Member Posts: 130
    the cash payment will hurt you in the end.

    Unclaimed cash payments will reduce your declared income, affecting your social security. The banks will make their dicision on your reported income for any loans and repayment ability.

    A buddy of mine built houses and remodels years ago, was on of the lumber yards biggest indipendant contractors that year, (went to the big party and all), They submitted the records for materials purchased, he ended up paying the taxes and penality himself. How can you go back to the customers and ask for more money after the job is completed?

    It is tempting, probabley not worth the risk and hassle.

  • Heard that Wayne

    gosh, for a minute I thought you were Wayco Wayne, but he never answers anyone he assumes is below his intelligence!

    I understand your thoughts though,, but it IS rampant here.

  • Wayne_16
    Wayne_16 Member Posts: 130
    There is only a

    few good guys named Wayne. Maybe I shoud sign as Minnesota Wayne
  • Justin Topel
    Justin Topel Member Posts: 65
    Glad to hear...

    I am pleased to hear that others out there have the same ideals when it comes to obeying the law. I don't like paying taxes anymore than the next guy, but if I am willing to cut corners in that area, where else? In quality, in inflating my proposals, in replacing parts that are not really needed, in not always giving the customer the absolute best job I can give them? I feel that you should always give your best work not matter how much or how little you end up making on the job. We should also be honest with our wages. This has always served me well. People trust what I have to say and they never question the bill. I don’t cheat them or the government. I have never advertised once, not that it is bad to do so, yet I am blessed to have always had work. The same customers keep coming back and giving referrals to all of their friends. Integrity in ALL parts of business is a valuable asset. Keep up the honest work gentlemen.

    1 Corinthians 10:31

    Mister T
  • Mark Hunt_6
    Mark Hunt_6 Member Posts: 147

    You insult a guy that has been a regular here for years. Wayco Wayne is one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. You start a thread here and then insult people that have been here for a very long time. Do not be surprised if your threads get no responses in the future. You are one arrogant ****.
  • Tony_23
    Tony_23 Member Posts: 1,033
    What ?

    Where you ever got that idea, I don't know, but you're way out of line. ASSuming you know what another is thinking is foolish, at least. You consistently post defensively, assuming someone is bashing Canada or you personnally, I have yet to see it.
  • S Ebels_2
    S Ebels_2 Member Posts: 74
    Just for the sake of discussion...............

    How much business do you lose if you don't participate in the "cash thing"?
  • tommyoil
    tommyoil Member Posts: 612
    You're kidding here.....

    Right? You CANT be serious about WW. Is that some sort of inside joke? I dont get it. If its NOT a joke, I'd like to know why everyone so damn brave from behind a computer screen(and north of the border no less).
  • Rich Kontny_3
    Rich Kontny_3 Member Posts: 562

    That level of intelligence is something to shoot for Dave.
  • Jim Bennett
    Jim Bennett Member Posts: 607

    That is the kind of uncalled for comment that is driving many professionals and manufacturers AWAY from this site!

    Can't we play nice here?


    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Wow

    such HATRED!
    I meant absolutely nothing negative or offensive towards WW!!

    I know very well what its like being a one man shop and trying to answer everyone at once.

    My post was intended as a tongue in cheek reference,, SORRY about forgetting the smiley!

  • tommyoil
    tommyoil Member Posts: 612

    Jim. Years back, when I got hurt Wayne stepped up and helped me out along with MANY of the others here at HH. Yet, in the midst of all the generosity each of these people displayed, there was at least one person (maybe two... I'm still not sure) who found a way to denegrate what others had done to help me. I received the most vitriolic hate emails from an anonymous address. They were geared to both embarrass and shame myself and my family for accepting the generous assistance that Wayne and others gave freely and without condition. Despite the acts of kindness, those emails drove me away from this sight for a long time. I was uncomfortable posting anything at all because everytime I did, the emails would start coming. I suppose the point I'm trying to make is that theres always one or two people who are so miserable with their own existince, that they feel the need to lash out at others for whatever reason. I still dont post like I used to. The feel of the room has forever changed for me because of those emails and guys like Dave who rip into respected long timers like Wayne. I wont even touch on all the mfr's who have disappeared. So, when people wonder what has happened to many of the regulars and mfrs, thats what happened in my instance. I am forever grateful to Wayne and Dan and all of the others who helped both financially and in spirit. Those are the guys whose posts I still read and respect. The Daves of the world go in one ear and out the other. Thanks again WW. Your character is unquestioned in my mind (and many others here I'm sure). As for not posting...I suppose thats a shortcoming of mine. I'll get over it. Anyhow,thats MY story. I was hoping to never share it, but now seems the appropriate time. I know I'm not alone. No reflection on Dan or HH.com. I still love this place. I just dont participate as much. My loss I suppose. So, Dave, if your commentary is on a serious note, do me a favor and shut the **** up. Its about as popular as a colonoscopy.
  • nicholas bonham-carter
    nicholas bonham-carter Member Posts: 8,578
    important point !

    and can you even afford that particular type of business in any case? seems to me that the customer will view you as a co-conspirator who is ready to give priority for service calls later.--nbc
  • Justin Topel
    Justin Topel Member Posts: 65
    So Far....None!

    I have been very fortunate with that in regards. If someone wants the cheaper price by paying cash, I explain my reasoning as to why I don’t give discounts for cash. Don’t get me wrong, I do take cash very happily! However I will never reduce my price for the sake of it. I charge my rate or give them a bid. I never charge them more, even when I can, or less than is needed for the job. I value my skills and hard work and feel comfortable with a good fair wage. In the past when I gave discounts (a long, long time ago), customers or contractors seemed to feel as if they could always find some reason for a discount or price break. They didn’t value me when I was wavering in my price or work that was bid, so they tried for more discounts and took too long to pay. When I chose to stop that immediately, people respected me more and paid me on time. I have had only one customer who didn’t pay the entire amount. They had their home swindled away by a slick gut with a good attorney and were broke. Another reason is that cash has the potential, FOR ME, to open a door for greed to grab hold. I am cheating the government by not paying taxes on that money. Greed is a terrible and damaging character flaw. Look at the situation we are in now. Look at the millions who suffer for the greed of one person. Look at the families destroyed when the parent(s) die. Like dogs fighting over the scraps. I know how easy it can be to fall into that trap. Therefore I will try and avoid it at cost. I value my skills and charge what I am worth. I am by no means blowing smoke here or looking down on others who give cash breaks. Their strengths in that area may be greater than mine. This approach is simply what works well for me. I hope nobody takes this the wrong way. Thanks for the good question.

    Mister T
  • Tekkie
    Tekkie Member Posts: 58
    What do you think of the customer?

    That asks for the "cash discount"? Do you feel disappointed? Offer terms? My impression of the people here is that if customers are TRULY disparate then it will be heavily discounted or in some cases free. Let's face it we are all selling our time on earth for money. How does one want to feel? When Dan issues a call for funds for people I wish I could contribute, but I can't for many reasons. I don't slam the people that do as I believe what goes around comes around and I try to do my best for everyone I can. I am no better than other people but I think emails that slam people will eventually come full circle and bite them...
  • Justin Topel
    Justin Topel Member Posts: 65
    Good Point Tekkie

    I have no ill thoughts towards those customers who really are in a bind. I try to help everyone no matter the situation. If it is a small job, and I know the circumstances I will often donate my time, they pay the materials. I have had night time calls from elderly people who are broke and on a fixed income. I can sometimes remedy the problem and at no real cost to them. I am not trying to get rich off of any job, but I just choose for myself to keep everything above the table. I understand those who cannot afford to pay and are looking for any break they can get. I will refer them to someone I know and trust who does give cash breaks. Good friends of mine. I have no problem with what others do with their choice in the matter. Again, this is just what works for me.

    Mister T
  • Chris S
    Chris S Member Posts: 177
    cash payments

    I once accepted a third party check for a job I did. At the time, I wanted to be paid, and it seemed to be OK. Approximately a year later I wound up testifying before teh organized crime task force. The third party was indicted and later convicted.
    After 4 hours spent with thise people, the detective met me in thelobby of the federal building, and wound up following me back to my office to collect phone records & other documents. He asked me if I had learned anything that day. I didn't have to think about it for long, and I made the decision not to participate in anything like that ever again. I'm sure we all know guys who got caught paying an individual as a sub, when the state considers them an employee. I 've faced that audit twice, both times without incident.
    It's like I tell my kids, " When something is going on that you know is not right don't be there"
  • Rich Kontny_3
    Rich Kontny_3 Member Posts: 562

    Is a great site for the for cash crowd. I often respond to these posts with questions about liability and insurance. Never get responses.

    Of course Craiglist has been challenged by authorities for the prostitutes that post there also. Not much difference when you think about it
  • The Boiler Dr.
    The Boiler Dr. Member Posts: 163
    EH Dave

    What part of Harperland do you hail from
  • EJ hoffman
    EJ hoffman Member Posts: 126
    Cash discount

    Yes, if you were going to pay with a credit card, we offer 1.5% discount. We don't take credit cards but my wholesaler will for me, so I lose 2% discount. But not for checks, must be cash. Checks also carry a liability for us of about .5% from bounced checks. Cash gets deposited in business account and recorded as a sale, they need a receipt for warranty.
  • Jim Bennett
    Jim Bennett Member Posts: 607
    Well Dave,

    Read it again from an outside point of view. It looks like you are taking a cheap shot at WW. If I misunderstood you I apologize.

    Unfortunately wit and sarcasm don't always come across clearly in text. Obviously I wasn't the only one to take it that way. There has been a lot of this going on here recently.


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  • Thank You Jim Bennett,

    and I have been in contact (by Email) with WW.
    He understands how written-text can be misconstrued, and a full apology from me was given. He seems fine with that.

    Times are tough for many, and hoof in mouth disease seems rampant these days. This bothered me all day.
    Anyway,, Thanks again for your understanding, and to the others delight, I`ll not post again.

  • Wayco Wayne_2
    Wayco Wayne_2 Member Posts: 2,479

    I wasn't sure if I should post for fear of perpetuating things, but Dave and I did connect and things are cool. He's a good guy and hopefully he will post again in the future. Remember...We are all hydro-bros on this site. :) WW

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  • JackEnnisMartin
    JackEnnisMartin Member Posts: 70

    What part of Harperland do hail from? What part of no manners do you originate from? I have never in all the time I have read this blog, felt the need to be wthenocentric in my statements.I will explain for you ethnocentric refers to a person being smug about thier heritage -- just so you know. I would suggest that your type of petty attitudes to ohter people id an insult to all the excellent people I have meet in hte USA and you owe an aplogy to your fellow citizens;you have managed to make the folks in your country look like they are so near sited they cannot appreciate the rest of world.
    Jack Martin
  • Agree!

    Both you and Dave are amongst the best of the best here.

    It is a sign of just how many trigger-happy snipers are on the sidelines that elicit most of the sudden condemnation cross-fire.

    Perhaps before we pull the trigger on fellow posters we should ask if they really meant what they wrote?

    Nah. It's much easier to act righteously indignant than to confirm.

    How dare you!!!!!! Is so typical of late. Like killing a fly with a sledge hammer.

    Perhaps we should keep the sledge holstered - until we ask - and get clarification?
  • Whoa Jack,

    actually I think Boiler Guy is Canadian too.
    Blood-pressure can do strange things(I take meds for that also),, however try to "go-easy".
    Since my WW posting appears to be now explained, try to take things less to heart like "EH", or "U`Know",,, I really think we CAN ALL get along!
    I trust that is what Dan wants.
    BTW-Welcome aboard!

  • Jim Bennett
    Jim Bennett Member Posts: 607
    I think....

    we can all learn something from this. Dave has been a frequent poster here. He is not hiding behind a bogus e-mail address like some recent troublemakers.

    When I saw his comment, I should have contacted him to see what he meant. Did he really want to come across like this before I posted a knee jerk response.

    I'll think twice next time. I know now he was making a simple joke and meant no harm.

    I'm glad he's still with us.

    Jim Bennett

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  • The Boiler Dr.
    The Boiler Dr. Member Posts: 163
    Thanks Dave

    You took the words right out of my mouth! You are correct. I too live in that "land". My comment was not meant to be disrespectful or directed at anyone or anything in particular. I guess my attempt at humor was not appreciated. If you can't laugh at yourself - who can you laugh at? Forgive me if I ruffled some feathers. I think Jack may have misunderstood my intent. Actually, I believe Jack and I may even know each other. Sorry if I offended anyone EH!! Nuff said.
  • Boiler Guy

    I saw your text, and nothing seemed to be out of context.
    Don`t be afraid to say what you feel,, just be prepared to explain yourself when asked.
    Few, or no-one possesses the "gift of gab", but remember its all taken differently by individuals.


  • Tommy, If the Daves of the world go in one ear and out the other, why did you tell him to F - off? With all due respect, ignore someone if they write something you do not like or understand. Don't let people get the best of you.
  • Jim Bennett
    Jim Bennett Member Posts: 607
    Thanks W.W.

    for your help putting this behind us.

    Lets make this place the best it can be!

    Jim Bennett

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  • Mark Eatherton
    Mark Eatherton Member Posts: 5,852
    I was doing a job in Breckenridge Colorado...

    And there was an electrical company called Cash Electric working on the same job.

    We both got done about the same time and were collecting. The HO, speaking to the electrician said "Who should I make the check payable to?" and the sparkie looked at me, winked and said "Just make it out to Cash..."

    The HO never blinked. I kid you not...


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  • Thanks Everyone,

    but let`s go-easy on the guys who`s harsh comments followed.
    Besides, they were sticking-up for a friend, and I would expect no-less if it were me!
    My own posting drew this firestorm, but my friends helped me explain better.

    If need be, don`t we all wish our friends could be so quick to defend us?

    Given the first circumstances, I have no animosity towards the others.
    Lets move-on to greater things,,,,

  • The Boiler Dr.
    The Boiler Dr. Member Posts: 163
    Thanks again

    This thread sure derailed in a hurry. Obviously a touchy subject! I guess it must be all the economic turmoil that has everyone so on edge.
    The mindset is pervasive. Received a call late yesterday asking if I would consider doing an install for "cash up front". BIG RED FLAG !!! Apparently I am the fifth contractor offered this "deal". As I understand it, the equipment was purchased in the southern US by the owner, installed by himself and has no certification label -- definitely not for CDA anyway. It has been operating for about 2 years but a recent premises inspection by the fire department identified equipment deficiencies. Our jurisdiction requires all equipment have specific labels verifying inspection. His new insurance carrier will not renew until compliance. I hear he has been trying to buy labels too. He doesn't get it! No equipment certification, no permit, no inspection ..... NO insurance.
    You can run, but you can not hide .... forever!
    Eventually he will probably find his " sacrificial cash cow". It sure as he** won't be me!
This discussion has been closed.