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Testimonials for Tim McElwain - Alan R. Mercurio

I’m looking forward to sending some of my technicians to Tim’s training center in the near future I already know what a great guy and great educator Tim is. But the other day my boss was asking me about Tim I told him that anyone who has been to Tim’s classes had nothing but good to say about him (no surprise there) I told my boss if I posted this he would see what I’m talking about.

So let’s here it folks if you’ve attended any of Tim’s classes what say you? :)

Your friend in the industry,
Alan R. Mercurio

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  • John Starcher_4
    John Starcher_4 Member Posts: 794
    I attended....

    ....about three years ago. Went for the whole week, and it was one of the best investments I ever made. Tim's classes are outstanding, and you will get more than your money's worth. While there, I bought a bunch of his manuals and refer to them often. I can't say enough good things about Tim's classes.
  • John@Reliable_17
    John@Reliable_17 Member Posts: 4
    Alan, I too like John...............

    spent a week with Timmie about three years ago, worth every penny. The included books that are part of the coarse are worth the price alone.John@Reliable
  • Mark Custis
    Mark Custis Member Posts: 537
    I met Alan

    at the Beckett on site one day school. I do not remember when, but who cares. Alan is on of the best.

    I met Starch there. Starch is ok for a buckeye.

    Alan is top notch and a top gun.
  • Mark Custis
    Mark Custis Member Posts: 537
    Wrong thread

    Tim is as good as you are Alan.
  • Steamhead (in transit)
    Steamhead (in transit) Member Posts: 6,688
    To Alan's Boss:

    Tim's classes are the best- you really do need to have your techs go and take them. I have taken some of them, and hope to do more soon.

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
  • Mark Eatherton
    Mark Eatherton Member Posts: 5,852
    I've never actually taken one of TIm's classes...

    and hope to some day, but Tim has helped me numerous times on odd ball situations. He is extremely knowledgeable and one of the greatest human beings you could ever hope to meet.

    Well worth the time and money to gain his knowledge base. And I think it comes with endless field support after the class :-) Via cell phone of course ;-)


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  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,402
    Mad Dog's Testimonial...........................................

    To whom it may concern:

    Before I studied with Timmie Mc Elwain, I REALLY struggled with bolier room wiring and N0-Heat calls both oil and gas. After studying with Timmie on two seperate occasions one year, and purchashing his manuals, there HAS NOT BEEN A wiring problem or NO-Heat call I could not solve...and it didn't take me HOURS anymore. I have been to countless boiler wiring classes by YOU NAME IT....ALL the major players, and boces, et al. Timmie is without a doubt, THEE best. Wiring and electricity did NOT come naturally to me, but I finally had THAT breakthrough that I needed, Besides that, Timmie has always been there when I have questions on gas or wiring. Last, Timmie does NOT charge what he's worth...he's obviously on a Grander mission, because he's not in this for the money. Alan, your boss coul dnot find a better investment for the men. Timmie is also a stand-up guy and a really good man. Mad Dog

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