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Spill Switch mounting

bob young
bob young Member Posts: 2,177


  • Billy March_2
    Billy March_2 Member Posts: 57
    Is this spill switch wrong

    Failed my boiler inspection. Usual nonsense items but one that I don't understand. Check out this picture and tell me if you see anything wrong with the installation of the spill switch???
  • It looks

    OK to me. That's the first place flue gases would escape if there was ever a blockage.
  • Thorp Thomas
    Thorp Thomas Member Posts: 23

    I don't see anything wrong with the switch... but the boiler is in a funny place, is that one of the new down drafters???
  • Thorp Thomas
    Thorp Thomas Member Posts: 23
    My bad...

    I missed that horizontal water heater... That's one them European designs, isn't it?... We did one once, I don't like them, too hard to hang on the walls...
  • bob young
    bob young Member Posts: 2,177
    beautiful job

    it looks similiar to fields suggested diagram but with these new nyc boiler inspectors its gotta be their way or nothing. the new york state code is part of the confusion. where does the inspector want it ? a shame to knock down a beautiful job like that for a micky mouse j.o. issue. in the old days he would not have left the boiler room in one piece ! lol
  • carter_3
    carter_3 Member Posts: 23
    code what code???

    ahh take heart in knowing it belongs on the top !!move it to the bottom like the dodo told you and when you get your reinspect he will tell you to put it back on top..you must insulate all your piping over 350k feedline included..we have all been there in this wonderful town...seems they make it up as they go along....
  • Billy March_2
    Billy March_2 Member Posts: 57

    I thought it was me. I feel better knowing that mostly everyone thinks it should stay where it is. I went there today and moved it to the bottom, just like he wanted.

    He also made me install a check valve on the feed line to the receiver. I ALREADY had a 9D followed by an RPZ on the feed. I guess that wasn't good enuf. I installed the 3/4 check valve in the line along with everything else.

    Can't wait to see what else they find on the reinspect.
  • bob young
    bob young Member Posts: 2,177
    check valve

    THE check valve issue has been on the books [ nys code ] for a long time but was never enforced until last year. but even though i fought them in the beginning after discussion w/ chief inspector i saw his point. the 9d or rpz really can't handle the water temp. & the check protects it. as long as we know what they actually want it is not that hard to adhere. now back in the old days my card was a $ 50 bill. in any case the overall job surely impressed the inspector. no way it could not.
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