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Mod/Con open never svs'd.

clammy Member Posts: 3,143
I had that same minor leak on that same flue pipe gasket htp shipped me another one it seemed the nuts should have been a bit tighter ,i have been pretty up front with HO about the maintance and none so far have refused and none of them where really that bad but i gave a good cleaning either way i,ve also had to replace a few traps on t80 and a 140 other wiser no real promblems and no winter service call connected to them except one re programing the ODR set it up a bit to low on max temp for a retro fit peace and good luck clammy

R.A. Calmbacher L.L.C. HVAC
NJ Master HVAC Lic.
Mahwah, NJ
Specializing in steam and hydronic heating


  • Never svs'd

    This boiler was never serviced. It was installed 10/24/2005. It was set up on both high and low fire upon install. The location is about 800 yards from the ocean.

    Having read all the post I decided to check it out. It needs a cleaning.

    Most of the installs that I service yearly have very slight deposits. This is the most I have ever seen inside one of my installs.

    This unit has Vision 1 and only serves a small area about 20,000 btu heat loss at 15/68. It rarely ever sees a high fire.

    Now I see I will have to be pushy with my customers on yearly service. I think I am going to call the customers that I have done installs for that never call for a yearly cleaning and twist their arms.

    I do tell and include in the quotea note to all my customers that their new boiler wil require yearly service. I also mention that if it is not done the warranty will be void. Other than include 20 years of yearly service in the selling price there is not much you can do.

  • Ted_4
    Ted_4 Member Posts: 92

    Yes, I have been reading the recent posts too, and have been wondering about the fate of my newly-installed PI-80. My company has installed a number of the Peerless and Crown units, but has not done many cleanouts yet. I'm going to go out with our chief mechanic soon and take a look inside some of our installs. I would be happy if we find no more inside than what your photos show.

    Has anyone thought about providing a means of intake air filtering? There is a lot of stuff in the air that might cause trouble in or clogging of the heat exchanger. A cylindrical auto air filter might be adapted to the PVC piping by a clever individual.

    I'm going to open mine up come spring, and see what's there. I hope I like what I see.
  • I am not familiar with the Giaconni HE, but

    in the picture looking up into the heat exchanger it looks as though several tubes are warped or out of alignment. Is this normal?


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  • Filter.

    I have thought about an air filter. Problem is what happens when it is never changed. Now you will put a strain on inducer and/or not have enough combustion air.

    That would be a bigger problem than a few crumbs to be cleaned at yearly service.

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