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Ever Hear of this T-stat Malfunction?

Jim_64 Member Posts: 253
and see what happens


  • Kool Rod
    Kool Rod Member Posts: 175
    Here's the Problem

    Two times now, on Friday and Tuesday afternoon, I've come home from work and found my Honeywell VisioPro t-stat set higher than programmed. We use a daytime set back (b/c nobody is in the building) with the heat scheduled to turn on at 3:15 p.m. when the children get home from school. It is set to turn on at 68. When I came home Friday, the t-stat was "set" at 74 and today at 73.

    I live in a four unit apt blding, and the t-stat is located in a common hallway, with a sensor in an apt. One pipe steam.

    All residents, and the upstairs babysitter, all deny touching the t-stat.

    Anyone ever hear of it malfunctioning like this? I'm very skeptical.
  • Kool Rod
    Kool Rod Member Posts: 175
    What Do you Mean . . .

    by lock it out? Put a cover over it or are you talking about something else?

  • Mike Dunn
    Mike Dunn Member Posts: 189
    you can

    program it such that no one can make any changes. I believe you need to access the installer setup portion of the programming. The manual will tell you.

  • Kool Rod
    Kool Rod Member Posts: 175
    Thanks . . .

    I'll do that.
  • ed wallace
    ed wallace Member Posts: 1,613
    tstat probem

    you have been visited by
    didnt do it,
    not me,
    i dont know
  • Kool Rod
    Kool Rod Member Posts: 175
    you forgot . . .

    ... I don't know how to change it.
  • Terry in NJ
    Terry in NJ Member Posts: 36
    isn't there a setting for EACH day of the week?

    perhaps the settings aren't the same across the board
  • Kool Rod
    Kool Rod Member Posts: 175

    that I had reset the t-stat that morning before leaving for work. We keep them the same Mon-Fri, and then have different settings for the weekend.
  • Terry in NJ
    Terry in NJ Member Posts: 36
    my model shows both room temp and temp setting at the same time

    so one needs to be careful which one is being referenced.
  • Jim_64
    Jim_64 Member Posts: 253
    lockout programming

    you didn't state the model #, but this may get you where you need to be
    scroll to page 34
  • Supply House Rick
    Supply House Rick Member Posts: 1,399
    time to move the thermostat

    it's time to move the main thermostat to a protected area. a similar unit, which is not connected could be put in its place. then you can be certain that there has been no outside interference. many of the temperature swings you were trying to correct may have been because of other neighbors' adjustments!--nbc
  • Kool Rod
    Kool Rod Member Posts: 175
    Lock It Out

    I'm going to lock it out if that feature is included in my model, which I believe it is b/c I seem to recall reading something about it. I can't move the t-stat b/c all residents, all of whom are owners of the building in this cooperative, need to have access to the t-stat. I have a Honeywell VP 8000, which has a keypad lock function, which I will enable today before leaving work.
  • Jim_64
    Jim_64 Member Posts: 253
    the 8k

    def has a lockout feature, and with option levels

    scroll to pages 33-34
  • Kool Rod
    Kool Rod Member Posts: 175
    Thank You

    I just looked at the install manual and located the code for it.
  • Howard Emerson
    Howard Emerson Member Posts: 111
    High limit built in............

    Hi Frank,
    This company, Jackson, makes thermostats that have a hidden high limit, regardless of what the tenant sets it to. I own one that has a 73, but I should have gotten the 71.

    Here's an add on that they make that gets wired between the boiler and the thermostat that only allows 70.


  • Kool Rod
    Kool Rod Member Posts: 175
    I might be able to do that . . .

    I see that I have a set up function called "Heat Temperature Range Stop," which seems to have a factory default of 90 degrees as the max heat temp setting. Maybe I can lower it to 70, which would prevent anyone from setting it above 70. I like that idea better.

    Just set this function so that heat setting cannot be put above 70 degrees. That should do the trick.
  • Vision Pro 8000

    If you have the 8000 function 600 is the heating limit and 610 is the cooling limit. Once you set them you don't even have to lock out the thermostat.
  • Frank_63
    Frank_63 Member Posts: 40

    Thanks. That is exactly what I did. I like that option better. We use an aftnoon setback, but sometimes a person will be home during that time and I want that person to be able to raise the setting if it gets too cold.
  • kevink1955
    kevink1955 Member Posts: 88

    You can also do a partial keypad lock as well as seting the limit to 70. Partial keypad lock will prevent anyone from changing the schedule setbacks you have set but still allow them to set it to the limit. The adjustment will cancel at the next schedule change.
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