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Solar install Evac Tubes

Wayco Wayne_2
Wayco Wayne_2 Member Posts: 2,479
My system is up and running. I'm very excited. I've changed my mind more times than a lady changes shoes before an event. My Home owners association slowed me down or I would have been done this Summer. After attended some classes at a Solart Conference here in MD I did an about face and abandoned my idea to do a drainback system. The reason was I looked at my house from above using MS Virtual Earth and found my compass points were not what I thought. My back roof was directly SE. 45 degrees off true South. The flat plates would not work well at such an angle. I would have a lot of reflected sun off the glass. I decided to go with dual glass evac tubes with a round absorber inside. Since the absorber is round it tracks the sun better than a flat plate would. I also had a high tree line cutting down my Winter exposure. Even with the leaves off I get a lot of shade in the morning. I had to add more tubes to adjust for that. Here are pictures of the frames.

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